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Message from the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer

2022-12-23T11:05:29+10:0023 December 2022|Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, Executive Messages|
Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer

Adj. Prof. Alanna Geary

Well colleagues, here we are at the end of 2022 and what a year. There has been so much happening across Metro North and nurses and midwives have once again done an outstanding job working alongside our allied health, medical, administrative, and operational colleagues to deliver great services to our communities. I have said it many times before but being the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer of Metro North fills me with such a sense of pride. While I know that sometimes things do not go quite as swimmingly as we would hope, I am also buoyed by the fact that together as a health service we achieve so much and we work collectively to ensure positive outcomes for the patients and clients in our care.

This year, as with previous years, we are again the preferred employer for new graduate nurses and midwives. During 2023 we will probably see more new registered and enrolled nursing graduates entering our services than ever before. We also have a number of Metro North driven state-wide initiatives in play to assist in supporting our rural and remote colleagues. These initiatives will also assist Metro North over time as individuals return to our health service with skills not necessarily attainable in larger services.

While our graduates need to be provided with the appropriate experience, the onus is on us as a service to ensure that we provide them with opportunity to learn and develop as professionals. I know that you all take that role very seriously and pride yourselves on teaching and learning in the largest health service in the country. While we know that there are workforce shortages amongst many professions, the ability to develop and grow nurses and midwives is something that we need to continue to do and to enable excellence in care to be provided to the patients and their families who require our services. Thank you for all you do, but especially in the education, mentorship and preceptorship of the newest professionals who come to work in our facilities and directorates. Remember, as leaders we need to learn from each other and even our new staff have the ability to teach us.  “Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.” – Bill Nye.

So as we brace for 2023, I want to thank each and every nurse and midwife in Metro North. Thank you for your commitment, your time, your compassion and for continuing to uphold the values of MN Health Service. I do hope that during the next couple of weeks you get an opportunity to spend time with loved ones and have some well-deserved rest and relaxation. Please stay safe during the festive season and I look forward to working alongside you in the New Year. Remember: “Life is short, work somewhere awesome.

Alanna Geary
Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer

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