I would like to take the opportunity in this update to introduce several new members of the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Office team and update you all on the work that is occurring in the team that you can access or participate in.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to relieve back in the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer role and would like to thank you all for all that you do every day for the patients, their families and each other.
Gillian Nasato, Director of Nursing and Midwifery – Research and Academy It is my absolute pleasure to be back in this senior nursing role and working with everyone across our large Hospital and Health Service. This position aims to lead and support a culture which promotes excellence in Nursing and Midwifery Research, Leadership, Quality Improvement and supports the ongoing achievements of our 4 priority domains within our Metro North Health and QUT Nursing and Midwifery Academy. Please join me as an active member of the Nursing and Midwifery Academy as we collaborate to further enhance our professions’ capacity and capability to positively impact on the quality of care delivered to our patients as well as enhancing a positive working experience for all. I am working to identify opportunities to reach all sites and as many nursing and midwifery colleagues as possible and I welcome you also reaching out to me to support us finding a time to catch up. All invitations warmly accepted, and I look forward to working with you.
Bronwyn Garroch, Director of Nursing – Innovation and Strategic Direction I am pleased to join the Office of Nursing and Midwifery as the Director of Nursing – Innovation and Strategic Direction. I bring with me a diverse skill set in the clinical, academic, and strategic leadership settings and have a keen interest in health policy, innovation, research and evidenced based practice in addition to system improvement. This position aims to lead and support innovation across Metro North Health, addressing sustainability priorities and initiatives in consultation with the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer and the Nursing and Midwifery Directors of Nursing and Midwifery. As an endorsed Nurse Practitioner, I am a strong advocate for advance practice pathways, and I am very excited to be leading the development of a Metro North Health Nurse Practitioner Strategy. This work will build on the Metro North Nurse Practitioner Practice Capacity, Capability and resilience report and will work toward ensuring sustainable pathways for Nurse Practitioners. Over the coming months my goal is to discover opportunities throughout the sites and connect with as many nursing and midwifery colleagues as possible. I am keen to hear about challenges in service delivery and work together to develop innovative models of care. I encourage you to contact me so we can arrange a meeting and collaborate in our efforts to ensure ongoing high standards of care delivery. My email is MN_NM_ISD@health.qld.gov.au I look forward to meeting everyone and working together.
Chris Burridge, Nursing and Midwifery Director – Professional Education and Workforce Development 2023 has been a busy time for Queensland Health Nursing and Midwifery with the Office of the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer (OCNMO) funding the review and development of several resources for application across the state that have been endorsed for use. These include:
- The Framework for Lifelong Learning for Nurses and Midwives (version 2) which provides a scaffold for all teaching and learning that value adds to achieving a sustainable, professional, capable, person-focused nursing and midwifery workforce that is respected for competence and quality. This review was led by Metro North Health.
- The Supported Practice Framework for Nurses and Midwives (2023) is a new resource with development led by Gold Coast HHS, and which describes the standardised approach for supporting all aspects of performance in the nursing and midwifery context.
- The Leadership Strategy for Nurses and Midwives (2023) is a new resource with development led by OCNMO and provides guidance to enable a coordinated approach to developing, supporting, and enhancing a culture that promotes leadership capability and capacity for all classifications within the nursing and midwifery professions.
- In addition to the Leadership Strategy for Nurses and Midwives, OCNMO has taken the lead role in coordinating the revision of the Career Pathways for Nurses and Midwives and the Orientation to Role Packages for Nurses and Midwives.
- Additional Projects led by Metro North Health include:
- Cancer Nursing Transition Support Program – This Academic Industry Partnership with was undertaken with Queensland University of Technology to develop the first known online Cancer Nursing Transition Support Program.
- Clinical Supervision Projects – resources including Group Supervision Video and a Clinical Supervision Implementation Planning Guide, Readiness Barometer and a State-wide Staged Clinical Supervision Implementation Strategies.
- Trauma Informed Care Train the Trainer Manual and associated training resources
- Mental Health Strength with Immersion Model (SwIM) Program.
Further resource links (where relevant) will be provided shortly.
Cherie Franks
Acting Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer