Home/Executive Messages/Chief Operating Officer/Message from the Acting Chief Operating Officer: Mel Carter

Message from the Acting Chief Operating Officer: Mel Carter

2021-03-26T16:16:57+10:0026 March 2021|Chief Operating Officer|

Dear colleagues,

We are continuing to see increased demand across our facilities. In conjunction, over recent weeks we have seen increasing numbers of COVID positive results in quarantined returned travellers.

In order to ensure that we are able to play our part in welcoming overseas travellers home, Metro North Health is one of two Hospital and Health Services in South East Queensland establishing low-acuity COVID wards at our facilities to safely and effectively care for people who test positive while in hotel quarantine.

To create capacity for COVID low-acuity wards, and the current increased demand being experienced, we are standing up 30 non-COVID subacute beds in the Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS). Eight beds have been opened this week with the remainder to open over the coming weeks.

I would like to thank staff involved in the establishment of this additional capacity, for your flexibility and responsiveness to this emerging need. Thank you also to all of our teams for your continued efforts in our response to the current demand pressures.



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