After the festive season and with the cost of living increases, I wanted to let people know about support for people with financial concerns. Financial stress can have a big impact on your overall wellbeing.
Our employee assistance service Benestar offers free confidential support including financial counselling. They can help you assess your finances and give you tools to address your concerns. Even if you aren’t currently worried about your finances, Benestar’s MyCoach for Money program can also help you understand your position and reduce potential future financial anxiety.
You can contact Benestar on 1300 360 364 or via BeneHub online. Metro North has also compiled wellbeing resources including financial, social, emotional and physical wellbeing. You can find these on the wellbeing extranet – you don’t need to be on a work device to access these.
Please remember that in addition to Benestar, Metro North offers a range of staff wellbeing supports including peer responders, RUOK?ers and staff psychologists. You can find out how to access these services via the extranet.
Kind regards,