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Message from the Chief People and Culture Officer

2023-09-05T14:14:29+10:001 September 2023|Chief People and Culture Officer, Executive Messages|
Ms Kristal Lowe, Chief People and Culture Officer

Ms Kristal Lowe, Chief People and Culture Officer

R U Ok? Day falls on Thursday 14 September this year and will be recognised across Metro North in several ways, including morning tea events. This is a national day of action to remind us all to ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation with someone who needs it.

The theme this year is “Here to Hear” and for me it reminds us to really observe and listen to what the people you care about are saying, doing, and feeling.

If you notice a change in what they’re doing or saying – trust that gut instinct and take the time to ask them “Are you OK?” By reaching out to anyone who’s going through a tough time we can show them they are supported and encourage them to access help sooner.

For more information on R U OK? Day events, contact our R U OK? team  or see the information on the extranet.


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