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Message from the Executive Director Clinical Services: Liz Whiting

2021-09-03T10:32:50+10:003 September 2021|Executive Director Clinical Services|

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to announce the Knowledge Translation, Innovation and Implementation hub project planning, led by our team in Healthcare Excellence and Innovation (HEI) is progressing well.

MN32 #NEXTCARE outlines the desired states for Metro North Health which includes the Knowledge Translation, Innovation and Implementation Hub (KT Hub).

The KT Hub will represent a repository of resources and access to training and support for research, innovation, improvement, and knowledge translation, with spokes across directorates, providing equitable access for all MN staff.

The aim is to build capacity and capability in MN staff for integrating evidence into clinical practice, where research, improvement, innovation and implementation serve as the key enablers. This will bring together expertise from our growing alumni of the Grad Cert of Health Services Innovation, quality improvement champions, innovators, educators and research leaders.

Over the past 12 months, a series of focus groups and workshops have informed a project plan, which will be finalised and released by December 2021. For more information, contact HEI@health.qld.gov.au.

Kind regards,


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