Dear colleagues,
Connecting Your Care project
Healthcare Excellence and Innovation will be commencing planning on a large body of work relating to non-admitted patient activity, under the Connecting Your Care initiative on behalf of the Department of Health. This includes project management for the implementation of a Central Referral Management Service and a proof of concept for a GP Advice Program across Metro North, Sunshine Coast, Central West, Wide Bay and Central Queensland Hospital and Health Services.
This work will build on the success of MN Health SORT program and the roll out of the GP Smart Referral suite of products. Early project planning has commenced and relevant areas will be contacted as the project progresses.
Taskforce 10
Taskforce 10 was established to rethink, reduce and re-evaluate how we spend taxpayer dollars to be more efficient and therefore enable us to treat more of the community. The Taskforce recognises that you, our staff on the ground, could have already identified fantastic opportunities for cost savings and they want to hear from you! If you have a great idea to save some money share it with the Taskforce.