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Message from the Executive Director Clinical Governance, Safety, Quality and Risk

Metro North Health Clinical Governance Framework

The Metro North Health Clinical Governance Framework was endorsed by the Board in September 2023. Clinical Governance aims to ensure that all staff within Metro North Health are accountable for their actions and decisions, and that they are continuously improving their practices to provide the best possible care to patients.

The Metro North Health Clinical Governance Framework includes all the principles, legislation, best practice, and evaluation methods we utilise every day to ensure patient safety and continuous quality improvement. It encompasses a systematic approach to monitoring and improving the quality of patient care, managing risks, and promoting patient safety. The Framework utilises the five components of the National Model Clinical Governance Framework and is used alongside Metro North Health’s Strategic Plan (2020-2024) and Clinical Governance Policy to deliver the best possible care to consumers.

The five key areas include:

  • Partnering with consumers
  • Clinical performance and effectiveness
  • Governance, leadership, and culture
  • Patient safety and quality improvement systems
  • Safe environment for the delivery of care

I encourage everyone to read and support the Framework as we continue to work together to provide safe, high-quality health care to the community.

MNH Strategic Plan
Clinical performance and effectiveness
Governance, leadership, and culture
Patient safety and quality improvement systems
Safe environment for the delivery of care

Kind regards,

Grant Carey-lde.

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