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Message from the Executive Director

2022-03-04T14:52:45+10:004 March 2022|Facility Messages, Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford|
Angie Dobbrick

Angie Dobbrick, Executive Director, Caboolture, Kilcoy & Woodford Clinical Directorate

The flooding in our region and across South East Queensland has been a very extreme and for some a traumatic experience.

I want to pay special tribute to all CKW staff for stepping up in the face of adversity to prioritise the health and safety of patients and the community, and indeed looking after one another. The small acts of kindness that I have witnessed amongst the staff is really touching.

We had so many flood heroes who went above and beyond, working extra hours and extra shifts, and welcoming Metro North Health staff from other facilities. You moved clinics to virtual delivery and ensured continuity of care despite extremely challenging circumstances.

A special shout out to Dave Payne, Kilcoy Hospital Operational Support Services Supervisor, who was cut off from home so worked in the hospital kitchen for three days, cooking delicious meals that were greatly appreciated by weary clinical staff.

Thank you also to Caboolture Hospital Shuttle Bus driver, Neville Davidson, for going above and beyond during the big wet to help staff and visitors safely get to their cars.

Our Patient Support Services team also did an incredible job – Caboolture Hospital supervisor and dad-to-be, Jack Nicholas, worked tirelessly over the weekend, despite the risk that his wife Bec could go into labour at any time.

I know that there are many others, but these are a few examples of our wonderful people.

Severe weather is forecast for the rest of today and across the weekend. However, I’m confident that we have the plans and processes in place to continue to care for patients and the community during this second round. We’ve got this!

Do you want to help with the flood clean-up?

The ‘Moreton Mud Army’ has started to do its bit for the flood recovery. If you’d like to help, you can sign up at Volunteering Queensland to be part of the crew.

The Brisbane Mud Army 2.0 is also set to help clean-up the city following last weekend’s devastating floods. To register, sign up with Volunteering Queensland,

The State Government has also set up a Community Recovery Hub in Caboolture to provide the community with easy access to community recovery workers and information on grants and support.

The Caboolture Community Recovery Hub is located on Level 1 of the Learning and Business Centre, Caboolture Town Square, 4 Hasking St, Caboolture. It’s open from 9am to 5pm, 7 days a week.

If you are cleaning up flooded areas, make sure your tetanus shot is up to date. Contact your GP for a booster.  

There are excellent therapeutic guidelines should you be faced with water-immersed wound infections.

Thankyou Julie and DON CKW

Many of you who have been at CKW a long time will have had the privilege of working with Director of Nursing and Midwifery, Julie Lahey.

It is with mixed feelings that I write to tell you all that Julie has decided it is time for a new challenge.

I would like to thank Julie for her years of dedicated service to the CKW Directorate and its community.

Her contribution to clinical service delivery and the nursing profession should be recognised and celebrated. She is a very compassionate and professional leader who delivered a strong and agile nursing and midwifery workforce.

The CKW Director of Nursing and Midwifery role is now being advertised on SmartJobs. Applications close next Friday (11 March).


A reminder to register your COVID-19 booster with Metro North Health. Please visit the COVID-19 extranet site and upload your evidence certificate as soon as possible.

Take Care,

Angie Dobbrick
Executive Director

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