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Message from the Community and Oral Health Director of Nursing

2023-05-18T08:34:33+10:0012 May 2023|Facility Messages, Community & Oral Health Directorate|

International Day of the Midwife and International Nurses Day 2023

Every day, working alongside such fabulous nurses across Community and Oral Health, I am truly proud and so privileged to be your Professional Lead.

I always look forward to this time of year where we can pause, reflect and spend some time together. Today, is International Nurses Day, a day to celebrate and acknowledge our wonderful workforce and the care that our nurses deliver day and night for our vulnerable patients, residents and members of the community.

This year, I continue to be inspired by our nurses who are dedicated to patient care while meeting the increased demand on our health service. I have chosen the place I work, for the values it represents and how the people I work with reflect them. I consider myself fortunate to work in and with our teams who are kind and considerate.

Nursing is truly the heartbeat of health.

I understand it is not easy at times, but please know that your kindness, compassion and efforts are making a difference to the lives of our community and each other. As a directorate we continue to aim to be one that sees our nurses protected, respected and valued now and into the future.

International Nurses Day 2023 is themed: “Our Nurses. Our Future.”

This theme underpins something that I am very passionate about – creating an environment where we are focussed on supporting each other, building our workforce strengths and looking at ways we can continually improve the care we provide.

I am proud that our nurses collectively look at lessons learnt and are actively translating them into action.

This year, as part of International Nurses Day, we will be doing things a little bit differently with our Nursing Awards.

While our regular service line nursing celebrations will go ahead across the directorate today, you will have to wait for the announcement of the:

  • Nurse Leader of the Year; and
  • Nurse of the Year.

We plan to have personalised team celebrations for the winners in the coming weeks. I am of course immensely proud of our teams and think there should be an award for each and every one of you all.

We will keep you posted about the winners and of course share the award-winning photos.

Finally, I wish you all a really fabulous day and would like to take the opportunity to thank you again for the really great work you do for our community.

You are awesome! I am so proud to lead our nursing team, as always, I carry nursing in my heart.

Happy International Nurses Day!

Tanya Beaumont
Director of Nursing
Community and Oral Health

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