CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update

2022-01-19T16:10:29+10:0019 January 2022|Facility Messages, Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford|
Angie Dobbrick

Angie Dobbrick, Executive Director Caboolture, Kilcoy & Woodford Clinical Directorate

Shout out to the MOPS team for their calm response and prompt action following yesterday’s Tier 4 announcement. The team safely and successfully transferred x4 patients to Caboolture Private Hospital and planning is already underway to complete x12 transfers by the end of the week. Nice job MOPS!   

  • For specific information and clarification on changes under Tier 4, please refer to yesterday’s Incident Controller update (email attached).
  • Tier 4 requires that all meetings are held virtually, including the CKW Staff Orientation. It also requires that at the elbow education support will need to be provided to our new junior staff working in clinical areas and anyone else who needs clinical support for patient safety reasons.
  • Metro North is waiting for the Chief Health Officer to confirm any new directions around visitor access and restrictions. These will be circulated to staff as soon as available and new signage will be displayed around the facility.
  • The number of patients with COVID-19 being admitted to Metro North’s virtual ward is continuing to increase. There is an urgent need for additional staff to work within the virtual ward so a reminder to all teams that any staff member who can be redeployed should be flagged with the workforce coordinators of each discipline ASAP so that we can support MN’s virtual ward service.
  • Our preparedness and response to the pandemic is working really well. We got this!

A reminder to please continue supporting our patients, their families and carers through patient-centred care and regular communication. Please also look out for your colleagues and ensure they feel safe, calm and connected and as always, make sure you are also supporting your own health and wellbeing.

Stay calm, slow COVID , and keep informed…

Today’s important updates and key information for staff.

Please remember to print and display this information in areas where staff cannot easily access email.

Take care,

Angie Dobbrick
Executive Director

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