CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update

2022-01-25T07:05:16+10:0025 January 2022|Facility Messages, Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford|
Angie Dobbrick

Angie Dobbrick, Executive Director Caboolture, Kilcoy & Woodford Clinical Directorate

Fit testing is important to keeping you safe, especially those staff that are working in priority high risk areas. Call the CKW fit testing service on 2422 to make a priority fit testing appointment. Your safety is our highest priority.

  • Queensland Health refreshed its data for PPE supply and is working with MN to ensure we have good supply lines into the future.
  • MN EOC is developing a local protocol detailing visiting for partners/support people that want to attend the birthing suite but have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or are a confirmed close contact. When finalised, the protocol is intended to negate the need to apply for exemptions through the CHO. All MN staff must follow the existing exemption requirements until the protocol has been finalised.
  • Queensland Health is developing statewide recommendations for the management of mothers (and partners) with COVID-19 wanting to visit their NICU baby. We anticipate the recommendations will be released in the coming days and will be shared with staff as soon as available. Existing measures should remain in place until the recommendations have been finalised.
  • Shout out to RN Chloe Kjaer at the Caboolture Square vaccination hub! Chloe received a wonderful compliment today for showing compassion towards an anxious 6 year old while also kindly accommodating a very curious 3 year old and answering several medical questions from an enthusiastic 8 year old. Well done Chloe and the whole Caboolture Square team!
  • My sincere thanks to the RBWH team for redeploying their staff to support staffing shortages in the Caboolture Hospital ED.
  • Our preparedness and response to the pandemic is working really well. We got this!

Stay calm, slow COVID, and focus on fit testing.

Today’s important updates and key information.

Take care,

Angie Dobbrick
Executive Director

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