CKW Daily COVID-19 Staff Update

2022-01-31T16:53:57+10:0031 January 2022|Facility Messages, Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford|
Angie Dobbrick

Angie Dobbrick, Executive Director Caboolture, Kilcoy & Woodford Clinical Directorate

I’ve seen and heard so many wonderful examples of teamwork this month. At all levels of our Directorate, everyone is chipping in to strengthen our response to COVID-19. Thank you all for your ongoing commitment to our patients, their families and carers, and for the support and encouragement you provide to each other. Despite COVID, we’ve had a really strong start to the year! 

  • We need to remain focused on patient flow and effective discharge planning. In appropriate cases, please progress safe patient referrals to our HITH service.
  • Staffing pressures continue to be a challenge for our Directorate. A reminder that if your activity is down, the expectation is that a similar proportion of staff are offered for redeployment.
  • Fit testing continues to be a major focus and priority for all MN staff. Call the CKW fit testing service on 5316 2422 to make an appointment.
  • A range of Staff Wellbeing supports are in place for CKW staff, including new break out zones, relaxation areas and complimentary meals for staff working additional shifts.
  • Shout out to team Woodford for their collaborative approach with QCS to help contain the COVID-19 outbreak amongst prisoners.
  • Join me this Wednesday (02/02) for a virtual CKW All Staff Update. Keep an eye on your inbox for the details and TEAMS link.
  • Our preparedness and response to the pandemic is working really well. We got this!

Stay calm, slow COVID, and stay focused on managing our risks around staffing.

Today’s important updates and key information.

Please remember to print and display this information in areas where staff cannot easily access email.

Take care,

Angie Dobbrick
Executive Director

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