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Message from the Executive Director

2022-04-29T17:11:04+10:0029 April 2022|Facility Messages, Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford|
Angie Dobbrick

Angie Dobbrick, Executive Director, Caboolture, Kilcoy & Woodford Clinical Directorate

Metro North Health facilities limited visitors during the pandemic. Now most people have been vaccinated and we have proven systems and policies in place to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Further, we know that our patients and their loved ones want us to make visiting more accessible. There is a strong emerging body of evidence that supports the link between recovery and loved one visitations.

That’s why I am extending the visiting hours at Caboolture and Kilcoy hospitals to 10am to 2pm and 3pm-8pm, seven days. This includes a rest time between 2pm and 3pm.

Current COVID-19 protocols remain where patients can continue to have up to two visitors at a time. They must be fully vaccinated and always wear a mask (which is already in place and not changing).

Visitors for the ICU, Maternity and Special Care Nursery plus end-of-life care often have special arrangements, visitors coming outside standard hours or more than two people at a time, current compassionate practices remain for these cohorts.

We all know the important role that family and friends have in supporting a patient during their care with us and recovery, so we need to be open and available as much as possible.

We may extend these hours further in due course to make it a regular part of our day and the care we provide to the community.

With the patient’s permission, I would like to see family and relevant visitors involved more often in discussions at the bedside about the patient’s care and ongoing support following discharge.

Our new visiting hours started today (29 April). We have a few things to update over the next few days but please help spread the word to our regular visitors.

Flu vaccination team is now mobile!

The Caboolture Hospital flu vaccinations team is now mobile! The vaccination team is now gradually making its way around the hospital with a trolley to provide vaccinations.

Phone Ext 8869 to check the current location and make sure you have your Staff ID and Medicare card.

Metro North Health Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Alanna Geary Catch the Chief!

Metro North Health Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Alanna Geary is walking eight hours a day on a treadmill, at seven different Metro North sites, to fundraise for nursing and midwifery research and education.

Alanna will be at Caboolture Hospital (near the central courtyard) on Wednesday 11 May.

Nurses and midwives walk kilometres each and every day. They walk with pride, passion and professionalism. They walk to deliver patient care, administer medication, consult members of a patient’s healthcare team, and importantly, they also walk to conduct vital and life-saving clinical research.

Help Alanna fundraise $50,000 for our nursing and midwifery researchers by donating and spreading the message!

Send a Staff Shout-Out!

We all know colleagues who embody the Metro North Values, are a positive influence, collaborate in new and unique ways, or who go above and beyond expectations.

You can now send them a Staff Shout Out!

Recipients are personally congratulated via email and a selection of Shout Outs are published on the QHEPS page which may include a photo and further details about the recipient.

Submissions are collated monthly and CKW Shout Outs are sent to me and Chief Executive Jackie Hanson.

It’s easy to send a Staff Shout-Out! Visit the Staff Shout Out page on QHEPS and follow the links.

What a compliment!

Here’s a compliment received on PREMS this week about Caboolture Hospital’s medical wards:

When asked what was good, the patient responded: Everything!

“The admission nurse Charli was just fabulous. Then Heather when I was transferred for night.

“Dr Joshua and Dr Tom (consultant) were amazing – thoughtful, careful, curious and explained what their thoughts and processes were.

“Down to next area, was looked after by Jasmine for the day. Lovely. Doctor who came to see me and transferred me to ward explained what he was doing and why.

“Up to ward, nurses Tegan and Megan were lovely. Trainee Dr Gilbert came for chat and we had an insightful chat (for both of us!).

“Respiratory specialist came and after lots of questions (by both of us) gave me some information that I found helpful.”


Our friends at The Common Good recently featured in a video for Moreton Bay Regional Council’s ‘Caboolture Made’ investment strategy. You can watch it on Facebook.

Take Care,


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