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Message from the Executive Director

2022-05-20T18:37:46+10:0020 May 2022|Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford, Facility Messages|
Angie Dobbrick

Angie Dobbrick, Executive Director, Caboolture, Kilcoy & Woodford Clinical Directorate

We’re all committed to providing the best possible care for our patients and the community and so I would like to thank you for all of the work you have done this week.

You would have all seen in the media lots of discussion about the unprecedented demand that the entire system is experiencing at the moment and we are no stranger to this in our community.

As challenging as it is I am very grateful for you all keeping your focus on compassionate care and ensuring you are communicating with our patients and their loved ones.

You would have also seen in the media and there is much discussion across the health sector about the impact of this year’s flu. The statistics are concerning and the impact of peak flu season is predicted to be with us in a matter of weeks and not months.

We need to make sure we are prepared and ready to support our community during this time. To this end, we are reviewing our respiratory plans and ensuring our response is ready to go when we need to shift into another gear.

Staff flu vaccinations ramp up next week!

The Caboolture Hospital staff flu vaccination esky is back in business!

Next week, flu vaccinations for Queensland Health staff will be available at Caboolture Hospital five weekdays (23-27 May) and Sunday (29 May) from 8am-10am, 11am-1pm and 2pm-3.30pm.  Please remember to bring your staff ID and Medicare card.

This will be a mobile service. Phone Ext 8869 to find the location. Remember, the vaccinator may be busy and not able to answer the phone when you call, so please call back later if there’s no answer.

The CKW COVID-19 booster rate is just over 30 per cent. I strongly recommend having a booster as soon as possible and register your evidence online.

RACP Accreditation

Congratulations to our paediatric and internal medicine teams, which were recently accredited by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) for the next 18 months.

Accreditation is usually for 12 months but the extra six months means we can be set up and working in the new clinical services building before the next round.

The accreditors noted the strong demand for medical services and were very complimentary to our staff. Well done to everyone involved!

Flood Recovery Centre open at Beachmere

A recovery centre has opened at Beachmere to help people affected by flooding last week. The pop-up hub is open 9am to 12 noon tomorrow and Sunday (22 May) at the Beachmere Area Network Group (BANG) hub, Main Street, Beachmere. More details are available.

Temporary car park repairs

Several potholes have appeared in the temporary staff car park following recent wet weather. Our BEMS team has booked in a repair team to fill them next Saturday (28 May). This was the earliest date available.

What a compliment!

I was thrilled to read this lovely poem from Caboolture Hospital Paediatrics Director Dr Fred Nagel.  It was sent by the parent of a paediatric patient recently, who was happy for us to share it:

My hat is tipped to the one’s hearts true
Put their life on the line to help you
Do their best to help and save
Do their all to keep you safe
These are the ones who go through hell
All in a day’s work heads don’t swell

This song it goes to the ones
Who offer kindness when others run.
Some are seen and often abused
Others are there to bring you food
But no matter the task they give there all
To help others out in times of call

A superhero in uniform
They battle on in the darkest of storm
Ready to help the tasks they perform
These people there hearts so big and warm.
Much appreciated we all need to be
For the ones who are ready to help you and me.

If not for them then we are in strife
Long hours they work deep into the night.
And off they go disappear from plain sight
Done all they can they believe is right
When in need these warriors they fight.


The first round of CKW Values Based Recruitment Coaches received their certificates and badges this week. This is part of our Have Your Say organisation action plan to embed fair and transparent recruitment practices. Great work, team!

Take Care,


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