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Message from the Executive Director

2022-08-12T14:42:06+10:0012 August 2022|Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford, Facility Messages|
Angie Dobbrick

Angie Dobbrick,  Executive Director, Caboolture, Kilcoy & Woodford Clinical Directorate

I’m sure you have heard me say before that we need to look after ourselves and care for each other to ensure we can continue to provide high-quality care to patients.

The current climate with COVID-19, influenza and continued high patient presentations continue to test our strength and resilience, but I am always inspired by how Team CKW rises to the many challenges we face each day.

You’re not alone. If you need a helping hand, please remember we have several options available for staff wellbeing and support. This includes regular in-person support through Benestar and Metro North Staff Psychologist Drew Cracker who are both coming to Caboolture Hospital during August.

You can also speak with a Care4You Peer Responder, who can provide a listening ear and help you find further assistance and services.

Metro North Health also offers a Staff Wellness Portal on QHEPS which has links to several benefits and wellness options for staff, including recognising a colleague who has put the Metro North Values first with a Staff Shout Out!

I encourage you to spread the word with colleagues that these services are free and available for CKW and Metro North Health staff requiring a listening ear or extra support.

For more information, contact CKW Psychology Director Christopher Martin on 5316 5746.

Colouring project helps brighten the day in SOPD

This picture should brighten your day!

A few weeks ago, Nicole Anderson’s partner made a mandala for a group colouring project that has brightened the day for her colleagues in the Specialist Outpatients building.

Nicole set up the mandala in her office for staff to sit and grab a few minutes for a wellness break whenever they needed it.

Nicole told me that she’s really enjoyed having staff wander into her office, colour and maybe have a little chat and reflect on current challenges. They still have a long way to go to finish, but here’s a progress shot!

What a simple but wonderful idea! Thanks to Nicole (and her very talented partner!) for being so proactive about wellness for CKW staff.

COVID-19 vaccination blitz next week

Metro North Health will host a four-day COVID-19 vaccination clinic next week – strictly for staff only – who haven’t had their third of fourth dose. Bookings will be essential.

The Caboolture Hospital clinic will be held in the Education and Skills Centre library from 7.30am to 4pm on Tuesday and Wednesday (16+17 August), 8am to 5pm on Thursday (18 August) and 7.30am to 3pm on Friday (19 August).

Please note this special clinic means the Caboolture Hospital regular vaccination clinic on Tuesday afternoon and ad-hoc bookings at other times will not be available next week.

Kilcoy and Woodford staff should speak with NUM Annette Tones and Acting NUM Ruth Aley respectively for local options at their facility.

Become a CKW Staff Council member

The CKW Staff Council is seeking new members who can help engage staff, enabling a positive workplace culture which promotes and supports health and wellbeing.

Do you work off-site at Woodford, Kilcoy, Riverside or King Street? The Staff Council is very keen to get representation from you.

Read the EOI and submit your application by 5pm next Friday, 19 August. For more details, CKW Staff Council Chair Scott Haworth via email scott.haworth@health.qld.gov.au on 5316 5665.

Wonderful support from the community

We’re once again very grateful for the wonderful support our community shows to Caboolture Hospital patients.

This week, CKW Manager of Engagement Suzanne Michaels attended a morning tea with the Samford Lions Club Charity Craft Creators (CCC) who have generously donated several large bags of handmade toys, blankets, beanies, baby wraps and burp towels.

Each of these lovingly created items will be given to a patient to bring them comfort and joy while they’re in hospital. We know how much this means to our patients and we thank the CCC group for their heartfelt donations.

What a compliment!

Patient Sue left this review recently about her experience in the Caboolture Hospital Coronary Care Unit:

“I had the very best care upon entering Ward 3A Coronary Care Unit. The Registered Nurses were fountains of knowledge and took the time to share their knowledge with me, making this scary experience not quite as scary.”


Do you have new starters to book in for CKW Staff Orientation? It is held each month, delivered virtually on Microsoft Teams. Line Managers can book in staff via TMS.

The next event will be held on Tuesday 23 August from 8am to 12pm. Dates for the remainder of the year are 27 September, 25 October, 22 November and 13 December.

For more details, contact Learning and Development Coordinator Ann Whalley.

Take Care,


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