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Message from the Executive Director

2023-02-21T09:16:55+10:0017 February 2023|Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford, Facility Messages|

Angie Dobbrick, Executive Director, Caboolture and Kilcoy Hospitals and Woodford Corrections Health

Metro North Health will be moving to short notice accreditation from June this year. We need to ensure we are prepared and ready for this major change to how our health services are assessed.

That being said, our care should always be aligned with the national standards, it should be BAU every moment of every day.

I have asked all CKW clinical and professional leads to complete the National Health and Safety Quality Standards (NSHQHS) Standards Orientation Course to refresh their knowledge and enable leadership and support in this space.

Staff who are responsible for any of the Standards should also undertake the training.

The online course is self-paced and includes learning materials such as case studies, videos and tips for implementing the standards. The nine modules cover:

  • An introduction to the NSQHS Standards
  • The assessment of safety and quality systems
  • The Australian Health Service Safety and Quality Accreditation (AHSSQA) Scheme
  • Each of the eight standards.

CKW Bed Audit teamWhen enrolling online, select ‘non-certificate course’ – this is for non-assessors who do not need a certificate of completion but would like to learn more about the NSQHS Standards.  Please only complete those Standards relevant to your responsibilities.

The course is being updated but will still provide enhanced baseline knowledge to support our accreditation readiness.

On a similar note, thank you to everyone involved in the CKW Bed Audit yesterday (pictured right).

It was a great success and the data collected is providing valuable insights into the quality of care we provide across the Directorate. Lots of great things to celebrate and some opportunities for improvement.

CKW Manager of Administration appointment

I am pleased to announce that Nadine Kemp has been appointed as CKW Manager of Administration. Many of you may know Nadine as Senior Executive Assistant to Metro North Chief Executive Jackie Hanson and when she previously acted in this CKW role.

Nadine brings a wealth of knowledge from across Metro North Health and will be a valuable asset to the CKW administration team. She will start in the role from Tuesday 14March.

COVID Response Leave expiring

A reminder that the COVID response leave will expire on 31 March. If you have not accessed this leave, please discuss it with your line manager. For more information refer to the COVID-19 response leave QHEPS page.

You can check your COVID Response Leave balances on your most recent pay advice through myHR.

National Apology Day display

Thank you to Cultural Capability Officer Janita Adams and team for organising the National Apology Day event at Caboolture Hospital on Monday. If you couldn’t make it on the day, please take some time to view the display on the main walkway into the hospital (opposite the Wellness Centre).

A Staff Shoutout from me directly as well – this event was due to be held in the Caboolture Hospital central courtyard, but we moved it to the Lecture Theatre that morning due to the oppressive heat.

The weekend prior, despite the heat, Caboolture Hospital physiotherapist Wendy Milway and her husband came in on their day off to make sure the courtyard was it its best, including weeding the garden and refilling the sandpit.

Wendy also requested that the gardens be watered, having been knocked around recently by the heat. A perfect example of living the Metro North values. Thank you, Wendy.

Inaugural Trailblazer Network Q+A Session

The first Trailblazer Network Q+A Session will be held on Tuesday (21 February) from 11am.

This will be a great opportunity to ask the CHRP team anything about the new Clinical Services building and the ongoing refurbishment program.

Ask your question in advance using the online form or go along and ask your question on the day.

Attend in person at the Caboolture Hospital Lecture Theatre or join online via Microsoft Teams.

What a compliment!

Here’s a wonderful complement received from a new mum enjoyed about her experience in the Caboolture Hospital maternity team:

“Absolutely everything from every midwife that myself and my partner met during my time spent at the maternity ward, the anaesthesiologist was amazing as well everyone was very informative and supportive, the rotation of midwives were extremely informative and very friendly and genuine.

“There was always someone available to talk to if I had any questions… but it was how genuine they were and their passion for their work that made me feel my baby and I were in very good hands throughout my time there.”


A big thank you to Acting CKW Operations Director Louise O’Riordan who left CKW yesterday to become Acting Executive Director of Redcliffe Hospital.

We’ve been extremely fortunate to have Louise O’Riordan at CKW.  She has put us in strong position heading towards snap accreditation coming later this year and worked strongly to ensure everything will be in place ahead of our move into the clinical services building.

From Monday, Louise will start as Acting Executive Director of Redcliffe Hospital.  We wish her well. Anne Padayachee will be acting in the role for the next four weeks whilst we complete an EOI process.

We also said a sad farewell to Karen Bassett this week as she ends her 20 years of service in the Medical Workforce unit of CKW.

The morning tea held for Karen was a great celebration and recognition of her contribution to care provision to our community. Karen is part of the fabric of CKW and she will be sadly missed but we wish her well in her new adventures at Hervey Bay!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. For those of you working, thank you for your service.

Take Care,


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