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Message from the Executive Director

2023-06-08T11:44:42+10:002 June 2023|Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford, Facility Messages|

Angie Dobbrick, Executive Director, Caboolture and Kilcoy Hospitals and Woodford Corrections Health

Angie Dobbrick, Executive Director

Metro North Kind, safe and inclusive quality of care shareable

Snap accreditation assessment any time from 1 July this year.

As you know, we must be ready for snap accreditation assessment any time from 1 July this year.

A lot of work has already been done – with a lot more yet to be come before the deadline – which is now less than a month away!

There are three key areas that I would really appreciate everyone to focus on:

  • Improving our hand hygiene results – remember the five moments
  • Clinical handover – which includes multidisciplinary team meetings involving the patient and their loved ones beside the bed when planning their care.
  • Mandatory training – please log on to TMS and ensure you’re up to date. I know it can be hard to find the time, so please speak with your line manager to allocate some time off the floor, if needed.

Metro North Health will continue hosting vidcasts which focus on each of the national standards.

The latest of these vidcasts was yesterday, focussing on comprehensive care.  There are three more vidcasts to come, including:

  • Preventing and controlling infections – 10am Monday 12 June
  • Blood management – 1pm Wednesday 28 June
  • Communicating for safety – 11am Friday 30 June

Don’t worry if you missed any of these vidcasts, they were all recorded at the time and available on QHEPS.

I’m also working on a CKW vidcast with our wonderful expert Wendy Wood to identify our priority areas and ensure we’re ready on 1 July. More to come on that soon!

ACHS courses available

Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) Improvement Academy graphicThe Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) Improvement Academy has several courses available for CKW employees. You can find details of upcoming Improvement Academy courses here.

The Academy also offers several education and training courses on a range of key topics that healthcare workers will often see during a day at work. Details are available.

Free Quality Improvement Demystified Courses are also available.

If you would like to attend one of these courses, you can register online through the links provided.

Have you had your say?

Metro North Health Staff Survey 2023 bannerWe are now two weeks down and one to go!

Our response rate across CKW is 21 per cent, so we have some way to go to meet our previous achievement of 55 per cent. Please log in and ‘Have Your Say’!

The survey will ask for your payroll ID when you log in, this is only to ensure we know how many individual employees have participated.

Remember, a team-building prize (to the value of $300) will be awarded at random to a team in each facility with 100 per cent survey completion!

You can check how other Metro North teams are going by viewing the current response rates.

Complete the Have your Say survey.

National Reconciliation Week and Mabo Day

CKW Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Working Group event at Kilcoy Hospital National Reconciliation Week concludes tomorrow (3 June). It is always a great opportunity for everyone to strengthen relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Indigenous people, which ultimately benefits us all.

The CKW Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Working Group hosted a wonderful event at Kilcoy Hospital yesterday (picture right) for National Reconciliation Week, following the National Sorry Day and launch into National Reconciliation Week at Caboolture Hospital last Friday.

I have been really encouraged by the wonderful messages of reconciliation on the hands displayed on the main entrance walkway at Caboolture Hospital (opposite the Wellness Centre) for National Reconciliation Week.

If you haven’t stopped to read them or perhaps don’t often walk that way, I really encourage you to take the time to stop and read the strong messages coming from our colleagues, friends and the community.

Next is Mabo Day, which is marked annually on 3 June. It commemorates Mer Island man Uncle Eddie Koiki Mabo and his successful efforts through the High Court of Australia to overturn the legal fiction of terra nullius or ‘land belonging to no-one’.

Our attention will then focus on the Coming of the Light on Saturday 1 July and NAIDOC Week from Sunday July 2 to Sunday July 9. A busy schedule ahead.

Last chance to give the flu the flick!

It’s not too late to give the flu the flick this year!

Scheduled staff flu vaccinations continue at Caboolture Hospital every Tuesday afternoon during June.

Vaccinations are available from the Infection Control office on the ground floor (near the paediatric ward) between 2pm to 3.30pm only until Tuesday 27 June.

Please remember to take your Medicare card or be able to show it on the app.

Caboolture Satellite Hospital bannerCaboolture Satellite Hospital

It was great to host the new health minister, local MPs and a large media contingent to the Caboolture Satellite Hospital this week. Now it’s your turn to ask the questions!

Join Chief Executive Jackie Hanson and Chief Operating Officer Jane Hancock on a vidcast specifically about the Caboolture Satellite Hospital. It will be held on Thursday (8 June) from 1pm to 2pm.

Join the vidcast.


The latest Metro North Health Research Snapshot publication has been published, including three stories about exciting research projects at CKW.

You can find it online with a very limited number of printed copies to be available soon.

I encourage everyone to read the stories and learn more about how research continues to improve patient care at CKW, Metro North Health and across Queensland.

Take Care,


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