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Message from the Executive Director

2024-05-23T12:22:33+10:0015 December 2023|Facility Messages, Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford|
Karlene Willcocks, Acting ED, STARS

Karlene Willcocks, Executive Director

At the end of my first week, I certainly have much to reflect on. As a team CKW has achieved so much, and to begin the week with news of our successful Accreditation provides great momentum for the next stage of our journey.

As I walked around Caboolture Hospital and had opportunities to meet some of you across the Caboolture site, I was so impressed at how evident the focus on providing the best care to our patients and their families was. Your collective and individual resilience through all the upheavals and challenges in the last few years really shows, and it is really obvious that you have never stopped focusing on looking after our community. You truly are champions.

Over the next few weeks, I will be out and about visiting as many areas and chatting to as many of you as possible. If you see me around, please stop and talk with me. I really love hearing about achievements and things you are proud of (and am always happy to talk about challenges).

If I look lost, please check in, as I more than likely am! Many thanks to the staff today who checked in on me, it always shows me how we care for our visitors when we help each other.

I am really keen to hear from you how I can best connect with you all in ways that are easy for you, and also what you want to know from me. I was once told that you should never miss an opportunity to ask a question, so I encourage you to be bold and never hesitate to ask!

So for now, welcome to my first CKW Executive Director message.

Thank you to you all for all your professionalism, compassion and focus last week as you all participated in a very successful Accreditation, while many of you also successfully managed the move to the new CSB. Congratulations, what an enormous week!

South-East Queensland is experiencing a heatwave Take care during the heatwave

As I outlined yesterday, South-East Queensland is experiencing a heatwave – when minimum and maximum temperatures are hotter than usual for three or more consecutive days.

You can stay well by drinking plenty of water (6-8 glasses per day) and staying inside or in the shade as much as possible, especially between 11am and 3pm, which are the hottest parts of the day.

It’s also important to take care of others, including visiting or calling elderly friends, neighbours or relatives at least once a day.

We’re also taking proactive steps to ensure staff, patients and the community are well looked after during the heatwave.

For more information, refer to page 44 of the Caboolture and Kilcoy Heatwave Sub-Plan.

The Caboolture Satellite Hospital team celebrated the occasion in traditional CKW fashion with a sausage sizzle!Celebrating Nurse Practitioners Week

This week (11-17 December) is Nurse Practitioners Week, to thank the many incredible nurse practitioners who contribute to patient care every day. The theme of the week this year is leading, shaping and strengthening healthcare.

Below: The Caboolture Satellite Hospital team celebrated the occasion in traditional CKW fashion with a sausage sizzle!

Midwives and Me Midwifery Group Practice Midwifery Group Practice relocates to Morayfield – now open

Congratulations to everyone involved in this week’s opening of our new Caboolture Hospital, Women, Children and Families Midwifery Group Practice services located at 25 Leda Boulevard in Morayfield.

What an exciting way to celebrate 10 years of the Midwives and Me Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) which now has six permanent midwifery staff (left).

The Damara team, previously based at Jinibara State School at Narangba, has also moved to the new Morayfield facility. This means we have 12 midwives working from the new community location, where they will primarily provide care to women during their pregnancy.

The midwives can also provide post-natal care at the new location, including Healthy Hearing. Childbirth and breastfeeding classes will also be held here.

Well done to the Women, Children and Families team! I’m looking forward to visiting soon.

Staff Shout Outs!

Congratulations to the CKW Staff Shout Out recipients for November:

Samantha Blundell – Emergency Department
Milly Stewart-Simon – Operating Theatres
Caroline Logan – Pharmacy
Natasha Adams – Antenatal Clinic
Jeanne Tedge – Social Worker
Jamie Matthews – Operational Services
Rowena Tempero – Emergency Department
Jazmyne Peruch – Medical Records
Parker Michaels and Amber Muller – Culture and Engagement
Julie Boyd – Caboolture Satellite Hospital Minor Injury and Illness Clinic
Pauline Whish – Ward 2A
Ralishka Chand – Ward 2A
Marni Kaddatz – Ward 2A
Elva Rickertt – Ward 3B
Suni George – Ward 3A
Justine Medua – Ward 3A
Leigh Fairkettle – Ward 2A
Crystle Bell – Ward 2A
Linda Wilson – Ward 3B
Aislinn Hicks – Ward 3A
Michelle Kilah – Paediatric Outpatients

Wow there are so many! What a fantastic way to recognise your colleagues, or team. For more details and to submit a Shout Out, visit this QHEPS page

What a compliment!

Well done to Caboolture Hospital midwife Danielle Lilley who received this wonderful compliment from a new mum recently:

“I presented to the maternity ward in labour. Within the space of one hour, my contractions went from seven minutes apart to one minute.

“The midwife, Danielle Lilley, picked up that my baby’s head was pressing on the cord. Within 30 mins I was rushed in for a Category 1 emergency c-section.

“The care I received from all the doctors, anaesthesiologists, midwives and nurses was beyond exceptional.

“Danielle stayed by my side the entire time and kept me calm during the whole procedure and I’ll be forever thankful to have had her there with me.

“We will never forget the care and compassion she showed to me and my partner.”

In health we are so privileged to be trusted and allowed by patients and families to be support them in such vulnerable times.

This compliment really describes Danielle’s professional skill, but also values-based care for a family in a very confusing and distressing time, that should have been a time of joy.

Christmas spirit

It’s been great to see everyone getting into the Christmas spirit!

Don’t forget that today is your final opportunity to enter the popular annual CKW Christmas Decorations competition. Simply send an email to ckw-engage@health.qld.gov.au and the team will take care of the rest. Judging will be on Tuesday morning with the winners to be announced on Tuesday afternoon.


sunsetI have had a really great first week and sincerely thank all of those of you who have welcomed me with kindness and enthusiasm.

I also want to thank Alanna Geary, who has been the acting Executive Director for the last six months and acknowledge the significant impact and legacy she leaves supporting many achievements and much fun and joy across the Directorate.… she has certainly left big shoes to fill!

I really am looking forward to working with you all as we keep progressing CKW forward.

It seems fitting as I think of my own new beginning and Alanna’s time here that I finish reflecting on many opportunities and no doubt challenges we have ahead of us.

“Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday’s success or put its failures behind and start over again.” Bob Feller



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