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Message from the Executive Director

2024-05-23T12:38:33+10:0029 December 2023|Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford, Facility Messages|
Karlene Willcocks, Acting ED, STARS

Karlene Willcocks, Executive Director

Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I hope you have found some time for joy, happiness, family and/or friends during the festive period. For those of you, like me, who don’t have their immediate family here in Australia I hope you have found the same kindness I have with people welcoming you into their events.

It has certainly been busy over the Christmas period here at Caboolture Hospital, Caboolture Satellite Hospital and across CKW. I really do want to recognise and thank those of you who have worked, looking after our community through this time. While busy for us, it is far worse for those who end up needing our care!As we now head towards the new year, I would like to spend my time reflecting, and thinking about the year ahead and the opportunities we have. Here at CKW you have all had such a big year, to name just a few achievements:

  • Caboolture Satellite Hospital opening
  • Successful CKW ACHS accreditation
  • Successful Caboolture Satellite Hospital accreditation
  • Moving to the new CSB
  • Success at the Metro North Research Awards
  • Success at the Metro North Staff Excellence Awards
  • Opening of the Caboolture carpark.

Today is working day 11 for me in this role, and while I don’t make New Year’s resolutions I do believe in thinking about our opportunities, and there are so many.

Our role here is to support our community and ensure we meet their health care needs. In 2024, with all the achievements of 2023 in our wake, we have the chance to really focus on streamlining our processes across CKW to improve access for those coming to our services for care or to visit our patients. Koru (Maori word for ‘loop’)We will of course also open the Bribie Satellite Hospital, which will be another exciting event in the middle of 2024.

In my culture we value the Koru (Maori word for ‘loop’). The Koru is based on the spiral shape of an unfurling silver fern frond and symbolises new life, growth, strength and peace. As we move into 2024, with so much ahead of us, this seems such a relevant symbol for us to share into the new year.

Through this time and noting how busy it is presently, it really is important that you look after yourself and each other.

Very few of our patients would choose to be on this journey with us if they could exchange their current situation for health. Please ensure that in order to provide the best care we communicate with compassion and show kindness in our actions. In all reality those are the greatest gifts that we can share with our patients as health professionals.

I also note as we head towards 2024, we are experiencing extreme weather conditions with heatwaves and storms. To anyone affected by these weather events please know my thoughts are with you.

This time of the year also often sees us outdoors with family and friends. For me, it is a time of year I am often in my highest volume training for long distance events. To all of you, please take care during these weather events and ensure we do not put ourselves and emergency personnel at risk through our choices. Remember to:

  • Stay hydrated by drinking 2-3L of water a day.
  • Slip, slop, slap, seek and slide when outside, such as walking to and from your vehicle.
  • Watch out for early signs of heat stress.

For more information visit the Queensland Health website for information on heatwave precautions.Staff who work outdoors or travel to support community-based care should keep outside activity to a minimum during the hottest part of the day, drink plenty of water, and be aware of heat related illness symptoms. There is a Heatwave workplace guideline for employees and a First Aid Fact Sheet – for Heat (non-clinical areas) to support staff wellness available on the staff extranetVisiting and telehealth teams should check patients are aware of the heatwave and are taking appropriate action to reduce the impact.   For general information about preparing your home and family for extreme weather and natural disaster events, visit Get Ready Queensland.Once again, thank you all for all your hard work in 2023, I really do look forward to working with you all in 2024. I wish you a safe and happy New Year, with some time to rest and spend time with those you care about, as I learnt best from my puppies!


“Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.” – Ralph Blum



Got a question for the Executive Director?  Email Ask Karlene.

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