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Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director

2022-01-21T12:00:12+10:0021 January 2022|Community & Oral Health Directorate, Facility Messages|
Glynis Schultz

Glynis Schultz A/Executive Director Community and Oral Health

Today I would like to address the important topic of fit testing. Fit testing is an essential practice in keeping everyone safe so it is imperative that all staff are fit tested as soon as possible, if they have not been already. Key points that you need to be aware of:

Priority staff

COH Fit Testers are continuing to work though high priority staff which include:

– new starters and staff that have not been fit tested;
– staff entering a nominated work environment; and
– staff who have been fit tested to a single mask that may be on short supply.


To support as many COH staff as possible to get fit tested, COH’s fit testing service will run from 8.00 am until 9.00pm today.

Fit Testing will also be available this weekend on both Saturday and Sunday from 7.30 am until 4.00 pm. We are currently exploring fit testing availability for the Australia Day public holiday this Wednesday 26 January and will advise as soon as possible.

How to book your fit test

To book a fit test, please call the Fit Testing Team on 0487 537 524. You will need to provide the following details: employee’s name, availability and contact details so a convenient time can be coordinated.

More Fit Testers needed

Staff interested in becoming a fit tester should email Danielle Johanson, A/Nursing Director Safety and Quality at COH-DSQ@health.qld.gov.au. Clinical and non-clinical staff are invited to express their interest.

I encourage our teams to continue to refer to the communications in the COH huddle each morning to stay well informed, as well as reading the Incident Controller and Executive Director messaging.

For any queries about fit testing, please email: COH-DSQ@health.qld.gov.au

Glynis Schultz
A/Executive Director
Community and Oral Health

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