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Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director

2022-03-01T15:48:10+10:001 March 2022|Facility Messages, Community & Oral Health Directorate|
Glynis Schultz

Glynis Schultz, A/Executive Director, Community and Oral Health

As I mentioned yesterday, it never surprises me that when we have to manage an emergency or issue, Community and Oral Health staff are ready to respond to whatever is needed.  

In the face of adversity, there isn’t a better team than COH to be working with – You are all Shining Stars!

In March, I would like to do something different with our monthly staff award and focus on the efforts and outstanding work of staff during the Severe Weather and Flood Emergency.

So many teams and individuals became leaders by stepping up and doing what was necessary to ensure that our staff, patients and residents were safe.

Each one of those staff members and teams deserves recognition for their efforts and I want to hear about them as part of our Shining Star Awards!

I have opened up the March Shining Star Award to everyone who has contributed to the COH Severe Weather and Flood Emergency Response over the past week.

Please take some time to highlight our wet weather warriors … the staff member or team that has done an exceptional job during the recent event, who have gone above and beyond to compassionately care for others.

This month I will be announcing not just one but many deserving Shining Stars who deserve recognition for their efforts and kindness.

Please nominate a colleague or team that you think deserves a Shining Star Award!

It is easy just submit a 50-100 word email to coh-communications@health.qld.gov.au detailing why the person or team you have nominated deserves a shining star award, especially as it relates to the recent weather event.

I look forward to seeing all of the wonderful nominations by COB Tuesday, 8 March 2022 – with all of the winners announced by the middle of March.

Thank you for your amazing efforts.

Glynis Schultz
A/Executive Director
Community and Oral Health

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