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Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director

2022-03-04T12:04:58+10:004 March 2022|Facility Messages, Community & Oral Health Directorate|
Glynis Schultz

Glynis Schultz, A/Executive Director, Community and Oral Health

We have been planning for more severe weather over the next 24 hours which may have potential for impact on our home visiting and broader services due to potential road closures.

As per yesterday’s Incident Controller message I ask that all staff stay safe and continue to monitor the situation as conditions may change rapidly over the coming days.

Non-essential meetings and training should be postponed.

Please keep an eye on updates from authorities and warnings from the Bureau of Meterology. BOM also has an app (called BOM Weather) which provides accurate up-to-date information. Keep an eye on the Moreton Bay Regional Council and Brisbane City Council websites.

Please continue to do your day-to-day risk assessments and contact your line manager if you have any doubts or concerns.

Given the exceptional efforts and lessons learnt from last weekend I have no doubt that as a team we will again pull through any issues if they arise.

Some important things missed

Congratulations to our recent Metro North Health Australia Day Awards recipients, with over 50 nominees, our Community and Oral Health winners are more than deserving of the recognition.

  • Service Operations and Performance Team – Tim Moran, Evon Greener, Terry Whalley, Justin Vandermaat, Kelly Lemke and Karen Wellings
  • John Walters, Principal Communications Advisor, Metro North Communication.

Health Equity – Oral Health artwork

Metro North are currently developing the Metro North Health Equity Strategy to work with the community to improve the health outcomes and achieve life expectancy parity for Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples by 2031.

In the past, Metro North Health has commissioned specific artworks for each hospital and for Community and Oral Health. We also feel that it is important that we have specific artwork that represents Metro North Oral Health.

Elaine Chambers, a local artist, has been engaged to design an artwork concept, which includes individual motifs, that will promote good oral health and make our clinics more welcoming for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

The artwork will be able to be incorporated into indoor and outdoor signage, desk, window and wall decals, banners and shirt designs.

We are seeking your feedback on the art design by sending an email to Paul Drahm, Manager, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health via email: paul.drahm@health.qld.gov.au

Unleashing the potential

The Minister for Health and Ambulance Services has now released the Unleashing the potential: an open and equitable health system report. You can find it online here.

The Reform Office has been established within the Health Service Strategy, Policy and Reform Division to lead the design of a new strategy and blueprint for the Queensland Health system, and it is something we should be aware of.

Quote to ponder

Robert H Schuller said: “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” 

Glynis Schultz
A/Executive Director
Community and Oral Health

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