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Message from the Acting ED Community and Oral Health

2022-04-21T13:27:52+10:0021 April 2022|Facility Messages, Community & Oral Health Directorate|

Thank you for your support over the past week as I have acted in the Executive Director position while Glynis is taking some well-earned rest. Please find following some updates and useful information for this week.

Flu vaccinations to start

As you will have seen the Flu Vaccination Timetable is now out with vaccinations starting next week on Tuesday 26 April at Brighton Health Campus in Clinic Room 2, Dolphin House from 8.00 am to 3.00 pm.

With a significant flu season expected I encourage as many staff as possible to take advantage of this opportunity to get vaccinated.

Please view the Flu Vaccination Timetable which details the vaccination clinic locations over the next few weeks.

Nominate a COH Administrative Superstar!

Administrative Professional Day is celebrated worldwide to celebrate our devoted administration staff and to simply say thank you. As part of this day, Community and Oral Health is recognising staff excellence and achievements of individuals and teams who make a significant contribution and demonstrate a strong commitment to our values.

We are looking for nominations across three categories (Teamwork, High Performance and Compassion) to highlight the amazing work people do across the service and show our gratitude.

Nominations will close 5.00 pm, Friday April 29, and will be reviewed by a panel of judges, with winners announced as part of the Administrative Professionals Day celebrations on Friday, 6 May 2022.

Please check out how to nominate your workmate or team via the attached guidelines. I can’t wait to see the great things being done by our Superstar Administration teams and individuals!

Email all nominations to coh-admincoordinator@health.qld.gov.au

Aged Care Criminal History Checks and NDIS Worker Screening Checks

With the new design of COH ID cards being rolled out progressively over the next 12 – 24 months a few questions have been raised about Aged Care Criminal History Checks and NDIS Worker Screening Checks.

Please be aware that NDIS Worker Screening Checks are mandated for staff who work at Cooinda House, Gannet House and the Halwyn Centre.

All other staff must have either an Aged Care Criminal History Check or an NDIS Worker Screening Check. Work is underway to map the NDIS Worker Screening Check process and update the procedure and we will keep you posted about the outcome.

Supporting patient flow in Redcliffe Hospital ED

It is great to hear about how our COH-RAN team have been assisting the Redcliffe Emergency Department to manage hospital capacity by proactively looking at referrals to Community and Oral Health.

Thank you to Fiona, Julia, Paul and their team as well as the Brighton Rehabilitation Unit for being open to explore new pathways.

It was very pleasing to see the transfer of our first patient directly to the Brighton Rehabilitation Unit last week without that patient having to occupy an acute hospital inpatient bed.

Congratulations to everyone involved. The work that is being done across all of our clinical services is reducing pressure on the hospital system.

Name the Brighton Hill

We have received some very creative names for the new staff and visitor space on the “hill” between Dolphin House and 19th Avenue.

The men’s shed has generously volunteered to make a sign to increase the identification and usage of this space as a break-out space for our staff, visitors and patients and we need your help to name it.

Please continue to send your suggestions to COH-Communications@health.qld.gov.au

Michelle Stute
A/Executive Director
Community and Oral Health

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