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Message from the Community and Oral Health Executive Director

2023-07-20T13:34:57+10:0027 October 2022|Facility Messages, Community & Oral Health Directorate|

Glynis Schultz
Executive Director
Community and Oral Health

At our executive this week we discussed a very important message – “It’s okay to be you!”

It is estimated that the LGBTIQ+ population ranges from three to 15 percent of the Australian population, and as a whole experience poorer health outcomes.

The “It’s okay to be you!” campaign is an important reminder to us to always be kind, compassionate, understanding and inclusive to our patients and colleagues.

Locally, we have begun to work with staff and our valued consumers to co-design our services so that our LGBTIQ+ consumers feel valued and part of the care that we provide. Staff also feel comfortable and safe at work.

A new working group has begun the journey to identify the needs, find solutions, implement strategies, utilise resources and design evaluation methods to improve the health experience and outcomes for our LGBTIQ+ consumers.

This journey was described as a ‘shared adventure’ where we will develop education and training for staff, look at a possible Rainbow Liaison Volunteer to support our patients and families, and review our literature and ways that we can better engage and support our LGBTIQ+ community.

COH Excellence Awards Roadshow @ North Lakes

Today, we continued the COH Excellence Awards roadshow at North Lakes Health Precinct, and it was not only celebrating the success of some our great staff but also acknowledging the work of the teams behind these wonderful individuals.

Congratulations to the COH Excellence Awards winners who included:

People Focused category – Dual Winner

Leisa Harris, Physiotherapist, Post Acute Care Service

People Focused category – Dual Winner

Cara Von Dohren, Senior Leisure Therapist, Community Based Rehabilitation Unit

Excellence in Integrated Care Winner

Nicole Hutchinson, Nurse Practitioner, Specialist Palliative Care in Aged Care (SPACE)

Values in Action – Dual Winner

Liz Hewitt, Clinical Assistant, Community Based Rehabilitation Team

Next Tuesday, we will be heading out to the Redcliffe Oral Health Clinic to recognise another one of our award winners.

Point of care diagnostics

There continues to be exciting things happening in Hospital in Home with the introduction of an iSTAT machine which gives us the capability to do blood tests at the point of care.

The next step will be to roll out more iSTAT machines, plus staff training to enhance our home care. This capability will enhance the attractiveness of our services to referrers, save time, and improve timely diagnosis of patient conditions and treatments.

(Thanks ladies for playing along with the iphone gag!)

(Thanks ladies for playing along with the iphone gag!)

Farwell to Michael

Our former Business Manager Michael Elliot was recognised with a COH Career Achievement Award at his retirement celebration at Brighton last week.

And, if the attention of the ladies to the right was anything to go by there was a lot of excitement in the room!

But all jokes aside, Michael will be missed by many people across our organisation and has left a lasting ‘legacy’ on our services and the care which we now provide at Community and Oral Health and Metro North.

Following are a small selection of the photos from a celebration that was well organised, thoughtful, funny and at times emotional. Thank you Michael and happy retirement!

November Events – White Ribbon and COH Connect Week

There are a lot of events planned in November including a community and staff event for White Ribbon and COH Connect Week.

On November 23, 10.00 -12.00 pm we will be hosting a FREE – White Ribbon Community / Staff Event @ Brighton Health Hub.

Everyone is welcome to join key speaker Metro North Health’s Domestic and Family Violence Workforce Specialist Social Worker – Vanessa Collins as we support the elimination of violence against women.

This event includes a free barbeque, and a great education and networking opportunity with local community organisations.

In addition, we will be hosting COH Connect Week from the 14 – 19 November. COH council members and executive staff will be visiting facilities throughout the week to seek suggestions on how COH can be better connected, creative and compassionate.

The week will be topped off with a COH Connect Week staff event at the Brighton Wellness Hub on Thursday 17 November 3:00 – 5:30 pm with a BBQ and Bowls afternoon.

A series of special broadcast will be sent out in the following week as we finalise details of these events.

Glynis Schultz
Executive Director
Community and Oral Health

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