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Message from the Executive Director

2023-07-11T22:51:41+10:0029 June 2023|Facility Messages, Community & Oral Health Directorate|
Glynis Schultz

Glynis Schultz, Executive Director

Another great week and another opportunity to share some wonderful examples of the compassion shown by our inspirational staff.

Valma overlooking Cabbage Tree CreekGranting Valma’s wish

This story touched my heart.

Last week, the Metro North SPACE (Specialist Palliative Care in Aged Care) team, in collaboration with the Community Palliative Care team and Ambulance Wish Queensland (AWQ), were able to grant a wish for one of our clients, 92-year-old Valma.

Valma wanted to return to her childhood home that has been in the family for over five generations, since moving to a Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) three years ago.

Last week, she spent a few hours sitting out on her favourite spot on the property, reliving fond memories spanning decades, joined by her two granddaughters, as they overlooked Cabbage Tree Creek.

This is the first time AWQ has completed a Wish for an RACF resident, and the Metro North SPACE team. I encourage you to read Valma’s story at Ambulance Wish Queensland.

COH volunteersKeeping our volunteers top of mind!

It’s been a year since our COH volunteers returned fully after COVID-19 restrictions and it has been a breath of fresh air to have these dedicated, committed and compassionate people back at our facilities and supporting our residents, patients, staff and families.

Astonishingly, our COH volunteers have given up over 3,200 hours of their precious time over the year to not only support our clients, but to help us all deliver better health care and services to the community.

Thank you to all of the volunteers for the kindness that you show!

Bracken Ridge State School Dental Clinic

Staff of Bracken Ridge State School Dental ClinicI have been receiving some outstanding heartfelt compliments recently, and in the coming weeks I will share as many as possible.

“What an incredible team and service provided by the Bracken Ridge State School Dental Clinic. The staff regularly went above and beyond for my son’s care.

“I cannot believe that they managed to remove my son’s tooth and he still happily goes back and sits in the chair.

“That is an incredible accomplishment in itself! I appreciated the time spent explaining the options to me, I always felt like I am able to make informed decisions.

“The Bracken Ridge State School Dental Clinic team always manages to squeeze us in for appointments when they are urgent. An absolutely outstanding service.”

The compliments keep flowing!

Tegan Button and staff of Brighton Rehabilitation UnitHearing that our services make a difference to people keeps me coming to work – it’s my WHY!

There is so much to be grateful for. Congratulations to Tegan Button, Brighton Rehabilitation Unit and the Community Transition Care Program for everything you do!

Following is another compliment where the difference made is life changing!

“Mum is doing so well, she received her unconditional medical certificate for driving this week!

“She is also living independently 24/7 and managing things extremely well. I have visited her for the past three weeks to see firsthand.

“Her home care package is providing excellent coverage of two weekly physiotherapy visits for ongoing functional improvements, personal care and domestic assistance, nutritional support, and yard and garden maintenance as needed.

“I just wanted to pass on this success story for all the folks at the Brighton Rehabilitation Unit and the Community Transition Care Program, as you and your team have been instrumental in mum’s psychological, physical, functional and social wellbeing.

“I imagine there would not be many cases like this for a patient of mums age, and touch and go experience in the Intensive Care Unit for over 45 days (during COVID).

“She spent over six months in the brain injury unit and then undertook a journey to independent living at her own home.”

Nominate a North Lakes Health Precinct compassionate Shining Star!

QSuper Community and Oral Health Staff - Staff Excellence Awards bannerOur next Shining Star Award will be focused on the North Lakes Health Precinct alongside the executive visit on Tuesday 25 July.

I encourage North Lakes staff in particular to nominate a colleague or team for the July Shining Star Award by sending a 50-100 word submission to COH-Communications@health.qld.gov.au

Nominations close Wednesday 19 July.

An acknowledgement well deserved

Thank you to all of our staff who have been prioritising many of our mandatory requirements, including fit testing and their PDPs.

I know that everyone is busy but the response of our staff has been exemplary. Thank you!

A quote to ponder

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” – Dalai Lama


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