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Message from the Acting ED

2022-04-08T14:59:52+10:008 April 2022|Facility Messages, RBWH|
Gillian Nasato

Gillian Nasato, A/Executive Director

As we head into the weekend I wanted to acknowledge and call out the tremendous support so generously offered by our staff at RBWH across all streams and service lines. Amazing acts of kindness and generosity have been shown on a daily basis. Thank you for the extra effort given by so many to ensuring all services have been covered.

I was joking when I said I could do my PhD on carparking. Dr Redmond reminded me I also needed to solve the problem if this was to be the topic of my PhD. I am not sure this this is possible hence why I retract the suggestion.

I can’t stress enough the importance of us all adhering to the direction to not park on Level 3 of the carpark unless one has a significant mobility issue.

Our vulnerable patients need safe and appropriate access to the hospital therefore your support to park on an alternative level other than Level 3 is requested.

Access to our facility for staff remains the same with Level 1 near the food court and Ground Floor near the hospital chapel.

I stress the need to not allow patients to ghost in behind you. We remain under a CHO direction to continue to check the vaccination status for people visiting RBWH. This can only occur via the main front entrance with the support from our Concierge team.

We are seeing an increase in Covid positive patients with an expected peak next week. Please ensure mask wearing and hand hygiene remain a priority for yourself and the visitors we receive into the facility. At this point in time we remain on Tier 3 with the continuation of the direction of reduced planned care, reduced surgical activity and virtual outpatients. Under the guidance of our Covid Service and the support from each of the five service lines and professional leads I am confident that we are again well prepared with good plans in place to manage.

To those working over the weekend I say a big thank you and reassure you that we are all in touch in the event that further support may be required.

To those with the weekend off. Please take time to rest and recoup.

I am always available to meet and discuss any issues which you feel we need to address so please let me know if I can support further.

Kind regards,

Gillian Nasato
Acting Executive Director
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

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