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Message from the Acting ED

2022-05-04T16:50:36+10:004 May 2022|Facility Messages, RBWH|
Gillian Nasato

Gillian Nasato, A/Executive Director

We have now released the Final Decision on the proposed Business Case for Significant Change RBWH26 Realignment Program.

Thank you to all staff who assisted us in reaching this important decision through submitting feedback and working with their teams. Your input has allowed us to make the best decision to ensure RBWH is future ‘fit for purpose’ and well placed to continue to support delivery of high-quality healthcare to our patients. We encourage you to view the decision and the relevant documentation on the RBWH26 website.

The next phase of the Business Case for Significant Change is the implementation strategy, which you can also view on the RBWH26 website. There are two implementation plans: one for physical ward realignment and a second for service line governance realignment. The two plans will have separate implementation schedules and a series of sub-plans for each of the individual transitions. This process will be led by the Executive Leadership Team in collaboration with the respective service line professional leads and workforce. We are working with directly affected staff and teams to ensure they are actively involved in the process as we successfully transition to the proposed outcome by the end of June 2022.

Thank you for your ongoing support as we work through this process.

Kind regards,

Gillian Nasato
Acting Executive Director
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

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