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Team Royal Comms

2022-05-12T08:19:28+10:0012 May 2022|Facility Messages, RBWH|
Gillian Nasato

Gillian Nasato, A/Executive Director

Today is International Nurses and Midwives Day where we acknowledge and thank all of our Nurses and Midwives for their tireless contribution to the great care we deliver.

On behalf of RBWH we wish to thank all Nurses and Midwives for your professionalism and support through what has been a truly challenging time.

Please take the opportunity and show your appreciation to one of your favourite Nurses and Midwives. It will make their day!

Many of you will be flagging in our training system as requiring your yearly FIT TESTING for a P2 N95 mask.  Please be patient and work with us as we progress with setting up a sustainable local model at RBWH to FIT TEST our workforce on an annual basis as well as those who commence with us across the year.

We are recruiting into the role of a FIT TESTING Co Ordinator who will work with each of the service lines and their qualified FIT TESTERS to ensure that we have appropriate local testing opportunities available when and where we need it.

An opportunity for us all to be tested will be forthcoming and in the meantime please be assured that your current mask is appropriate and safe to continue to use with the added step of fit checking.

Keep an eye out for further comms around when and where you can be tested.

The wearing of masks in our facility remains a direction from the Chief Health Officer as do visitor entry restrictions which requires them to also wear a mask and be vaccinated. Please support visitors to wear a mask during their time with us in an effort to keep our vulnerable patients safe.

Influenza cases are already reaching concerning numbers for this time of the year. I encourage everyone to take up the opportunity to receive your Flu shot on the Ground Floor of the hospital opposite Admissions.

The RBWH Foundation have released a new promotional video aimed at supporting ongoing donations as well as their RBWH Foundation Giving Day which is to be held on site on the 15th of June.

Please take the time to view the video which is a beautiful message around how contributions are used to support research which ultimately gives our patients and their families the gift of time.

A commodity many long for when faced with a significant illness.

I can’t thank you all enough for your support and hard work in keeping our patients safe during what has been and continues to be such a difficult time managing in the absence of so many of our colleagues due to COVID, being a close contact or caring for family members who are ill. We appreciate your efforts in covering many additional shifts, clinics and procedural work.

Thank you and hope to either see you around the hospital, at Brief the Boss or perhaps you may be brave enough to invite me to your areas for a catch up.


Gillian Nasato
Acting Executive Director
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

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