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Team Royal Comms

2022-07-04T17:00:30+10:004 July 2022|Facility Messages, RBWH|
Gillian Nasato

Gillian Nasato

I acknowledge that a lot is happening at the moment with respect to COVID, Flu, Bed capacity and staffing so please see below for what I feel is most important for everyone to be across. Please read todays SITREP for all of the details.

As always we are constantly being required to adjust and pivot to the issue in front of us and at the moment it is fair to say that things are really challenging.

Please take every opportunity to support the person next to you as I am positive that they are also giving us their best and may need some TLC.

If you have any concerns or a question to ask then please let me or your line manager know as your ability to support the organisation hinges on your understanding of the full picture and how we plan to manage.

  • RBWH continues to support the care for a significant numbers of patients with COVID. This is occurring in wards 6C, 6AS, 6AN. Physically staffing those 3 units is challenging as are all units across RBWH.
  • Our workforce across all clinical and operational teams are feeling the impact of COVID, being a close contact and other respiratory illness. Sick leave is significant
  • 7BWest will be managed as a temporary COVID Outbreak Ward due to the number of COVID positive patients currently identified in the unit. Please follow the signs should you need to enter the unit.
  • All staff providing clinical care to patients are to wear an N95 mask and protective eye wear.
  • Please ensure visitors are wearing masks appropriately and are practicing good hand hygiene. No changes have been made to our hospital entry points or to members of the public visiting our facility.
  • We have been asked to cease all Cat 2 & 3 Surgical and Procedural planned care which I know each service line is now managing internally to ensure that patients are risk assessed and plans identified.
  • Please pivot as many outpatient appointments as possible to virtual care as it does impact positively on reducing the volume of patients who need to enter our facility.

We need to look at strategies which support the release of staff to contribute to front line care therefore all efforts are to be made to review and postpone workshops, meetings and some training/ education sessions where applicable.

Team Leaders and Directors are well versed in what is required to continue and what can be delayed so that care to our patients is our priority. If you are not in a front facing clinical role and you have capacity to help out then please let Patient Flow know.

Thanks again to all of you for being truly outstanding during such a relentless, difficult and demanding period. There are extraordinary measure being deployed on a daily basis and I am very grateful for your response.

Dr Mattiussi reminds us all that HOPE is not a plan however I sincerely hope that you and yours are managing to stay well and focused on the incredible work we do every day to keep this facility responding to the needs of our community.

Warm regards,

Gillian Nasato
Acting Executive Director
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

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