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Message from the Acting ED RBWH: Gillian Nasato

2022-07-08T16:54:05+10:008 July 2022|Facility Messages, RBWH|
Gillian Nasato

Gillian Nasato, A/Executive Director

We have identified this week as possibly one of our most challenging weeks at RBWH which is not a good claim to make!

In saying that, all efforts from each and every corner of this huge hospital has enabled us to continue to keep providing great care to our patients.

Amazing acts of support and generosity from our staff, both clinical and operational has ensured that we have managed the absence of so many of our colleagues from COVID.

I know that this has taken a huge toll on you and those efforts over and above your usual working week are well and truly acknowledged by myself and your leadership teams. Thank you.

In response to the overwhelming demand for inpatient COVID capacity we have “busted out” of 6C Wattlebrae and 6AN and have been required to return 6AS back into a COVID inpatient unit. We are also managing a temporary covid outbreak ward on level 7 as well as utilising all single rooms and many 4 bed bays across RBWH to accommodate COVID patients. Your N95 masks, goggles and vaccination status are your best line of defence in staying well with the added message around reducing mask off time, reducing workplace gatherings and large meetings.

With our reduction in many areas of planned care we will be required to pivot our workforce to supporting front line patient care. Your support for the coming weeks around this approach is critical.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns as I am here to support and advocate for the team.

Warm regards,

Gillian Nasato
Acting Executive Director
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

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