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Message from the Executive Director

2023-02-28T12:00:26+10:0028 February 2023|Facility Messages, RBWH, News @ the Royal|
Louise Oriti

Louise Oriti, Executive Director, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

I am delighted to join RBWH as the Executive Director. While I am only a few days in, I have already had an opportunity to meet many of you and have been warmly welcomed by the team. Over the next few months, I plan to make my way around the hospital to meet as many staff members as possible. I’m excited to find out more about how you work at RBWH and to hear your ideas for the future.

For those of you who don’t know me, I previously held the position of Executive Director at Redcliffe Hospital and prior to that have spent many years in senior health leadership positions. Throughout my time at Redcliffe, I developed a deep affinity for Metro North Health’s staff and community and feel privileged to now be leading the RBWH team. I hope to bring my extensive health knowledge to Team Royal and guide you as we continue to improve and innovate the healthcare we provide.

In the February edition of News at the Royal, we congratulate the Emergency and Trauma Centre team for receiving the Al Spilman Award for Culturally Safe Emergency Departments. Read about how the Queensland Adult Specialist Immunisation Service (QASIS) has expanded their scope of practice and about how the Behavioural Emergency Response Team (BERT) is helping patients and carers with complex needs.

This issue of the newsletter features how Team Royal helped Queenslanders in need as part of the annual Foodbank Hunger Drive, as well as Metro North’s commitment to helping junior doctors reach their career goals. You will also hear from Team Royal and the RBWH Foundation.

I look forward to meeting many of you in the coming weeks.

Kind regards,


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