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Message from the Executive Director

2024-03-19T11:41:00+10:001 September 2023|RBWH, Facility Messages|
Louise Oriti, Executive Director, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

Louise Oriti, Executive Director

On Tuesday, the Metro North Board held their meeting at RBWH. I was invited, along with consumers who support us on a range of committees and provide advice. Among the issues raised, was a reminder to all of us to listen to patients and families, and to pick up on cues that indicate if people have understood what is being said. The consumers remarked about how much they love RBWH, and they were very grateful for the care they have received here. They also felt that being listened to and having patient goals understood were critical for healing.

On 18 September we will launch the What Matters to You? initiative. It is a global movement encouraging us to ask patients about their personal goals of care, whether they are being able to walk to the shops, continue to work or empty the dishwasher.

Recruitment for Putting Patients First initiatives

Recruitment has commenced for the Queensland Government’s Putting Patients First initiatives. These new positions will support improved access for patients to emergency care in the Emergency and Trauma Centre, as well as discharge and pharmacy services through the Discharge Transit Centre, seven days a week. Improving patient flow remains an organisational priority and we are currently working with staff and key stakeholders in these areas to determine how these positions will be best introduced and integrated at RBWH.

Patient Friendly Working Group – EOIs for initiatives

The Patient Friendly Working Group advises RBWH Executive on improving the hospital environment and experience for patients, particularly elderly patients and their visitors. The group’s current and previous work includes the Pet Friendly area for long-term patients to have their pets visit them while in hospital; music in the foyer; improvements to patient and visitor lounges; and palliative care trolleys.

If you have an idea for improving patient and visitor experiences that would otherwise not be funded through operations, research or education sources, email RBWH-FacilityandSupportServices@health.qld.gov.au for an application form. Submissions close Monday, 11 September 2023.

Herston Health Precinct Symposium (4-7September)

Next week the Herston Health Precinct Symposium will be hosted at the Education Centre at RBWH and online. This year there are keynote lectures each day at 11am on a variety of topics. It will also be an opportunity to network with your Herston colleagues and learn about the other health facilities at Herston.

Thank you for your commitment to our patients and their families. Your important work doesn’t stop at the end of a patient’s stay in hospital or after they receive care in their home, instead it ricochets through the community creating a positive impact for everyone connected to the patient’s care.

Kind regards,


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