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Message from the Executive Director

2024-03-19T11:43:04+10:0022 September 2023|RBWH, Facility Messages|
Louise Oriti, Executive Director, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

Louise Oriti, Executive Director

Health Equity

On Wednesday, we had our second Health Equity Planning Workshop, which brought together the Executive team and the Metro North Health Equity team to discuss building trust among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers in our care. We reflected on the achievements of the Metro North Health Equity Strategy, launched in April 2022, and we discussed how we can continue our journey to create health services free from racism and discrimination. Delivering sustainable, and culturally safe and responsive healthcare services for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers involves all of us listening, learning and taking this journey together. In future weeks, we will share some of the significant improvements made by various services across RBWH.

What Matters to You

On Monday, we launched the What Matters to You campaign. The event and ongoing activities saw staff from all service lines and streams come to visit the stall in the Level 1 Atrium. I would like to commend everyone who has signed up to become a What Matters to You champion — we’ve had almost 50 people sign up.

As part of the launch, I hosted a Brief the Boss for consumers and learnt a great deal from my conversations with patients.
One person told me about their What Matters to You campaignexperience of travelling from regional Queensland for their appointment at RBWH. It was an important reminder of the long and taxing journeys our patients can take to receive care, and the role we can play in supporting them along the way.

You can still sign up to become a What Matters to You champion or request an in-service for your team, email RBWH_SIS@health.qld.gov.au.

Short Notice Accreditation

Soon we will be notified that the accreditors will be visiting RBWH — I will inform you all via email as soon as we receive the call, and you will also be notified through your service lines. I would like to remind you all to ensure your mandatory trainings are
completed in the Talent Management System and to use the resources available on QHEPS. On my Friday walk around the hospital,
I can see a substantial change in our preparedness and the outcomes of your considerable efforts. Thank you.

Your safety

I would like to remind you to keep hospital security at the forefront of your minds. This includes ensuring nobody is following you into secure areas, as well as taking the necessary actions if you see someone who appears out of place. If you notice someone in an area of the hospital where you think they shouldn’t be, you can ask them why they are there (if you feel comfortable) or call Security on 65188. For urgent security matters, call 55.

We are all responsible for ensuring the safety of ourselves, our colleagues, and our patients and visitors.

RBWH Diversity Committee

Expressions of Interest are open to join the RBWH Diversity Committee and be involved in overseeing and coordinating initiatives to engage and support consumers and staff from diverse backgrounds. The committee leads initiatives and service delivery that respectfully and responsively meets the needs of our patients and staff from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, who are part of the LGBTIQ+ community, who are living with disability, or are adolescents and young adults. For more information, email RBWH-AdminServices@health.qld.gov.au.

On a personal note, I am thoroughly enjoying the conversations we are having at Brief the Boss. It is a great opportunity to hear about your work and I would like to thank everyone who has come along to a session.


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