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Message from the Executive Director

2024-03-19T11:50:40+10:0017 November 2023|Facility Messages, RBWH|
Louise Oriti, Executive Director, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

Louise Oriti, Executive Director

On Monday, I hosted the first of three staff forums, where we explored the RBWH Have Your Say survey results. Thank you to all who attended in person and online. I am very interested in learning how staff would like to feel supported in the workplace. I understand that work is a huge part of all our lives, and a recurring theme in the survey was the need for more support to achieve a conducive work-life balance. Please send any feedback or comments you may have to MetroNorth-RBWH-communications@health.qld.gov.au.

Additionally, the survey results told us that our best scoring attributes include that people were highly conscious of the potential for adverse patient safety events, and that people escalate concerns when clinically appropriate. Our strong commitment to patient and staff safety was absolutely evident. On the other hand, another strong theme for improvement was the need to strengthen a sense of success, achievement and that ‘things are getting better’. The RBWH Executive Team agree and will commit to working on this. The next Staff Forum will be Tuesday, 21 November at 11.45am in the Education Centre; you can also join us on Teams.

Perioperative Nurses Week 12—18 November

RBWH is very fortunate to have a team of dedicated, diligent and talented perioperative nurses.

Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Perioperative NursesThe over 400 nurses who work in Perioperative Services, working across a range of different areas, require a wide breadth of skills. Working across admissions, the operating rooms, the clinical consumables group, the sterilising department and the Post Anaesthesia Care Unit (PACU), perioperative nurses care and advocate for patients during some of their most vulnerable times.

Earlier this year, the Perioperative Nursing Team arranged an open day for nursing students to visit the department and gain valuable insights — it is a testament to the team’s comprehensive outlook on how to deliver excellent care to their patients. Thank you to all the perioperative nurses for their work in caring for our patients.

Dulili Café

The Emergency and Trauma Centre are bringing together frontline workers and community service providers for a morning of networking, knowledge sharing and relationship building. ‘Dulili’ is the Jagera word for ‘together’, and Dulili Café will be held on Wednesday 29 November, 9am – 12pm in the Education Centre. The event will be an opportunity to gain insights into the ways our hospital services interconnect with community services to support good outcomes for our patients. Everyone is welcome to attend and bring information materials to exchange with other organisations.

Staff from Neonatal Retrieval Service and the Grantly Stable Neonatal Unit standing in front of their stall at RBWHWorld Prematurity Day — 17 November

Today the Neonatal Retrieval Service (NeoRESQ) and the Grantly Stable Neonatal Unit (GSNU) hosted a stall on the Ground Floor to recognise this day and celebrate their work. The Neonatology unit at RBWH is one of the largest in Australia and filled with a highly skilled workforce. Many people have stopped by the stall to commend their work and share personal stories. Thank you for the work that you do in caring for our littlest patients.

Transgender Awareness Week 13—19 November

It is Transgender Awareness Week, a time to recognise the experiences of our trans colleagues and patients at RBWH, as well as fortify our efforts as allies to remove prejudices and inequalities for all trans people. As a hospital, we are always striving to be more inclusive both in terms of our patient care, and as a workplace. We must continue to educate ourselves and take action to support the trans community. For more information and resources, visit the LGBTIQ+ Health Australia website.


Over the past weeks, cases of COVID-19 have been rising in Queensland and Brisbane. RBWH is following Metro North’s directives on managing the spread. Masks are encouraged to be worn in clinical areas, and if you feel unwell, please stay home. We have now provided masks and set up hand hygiene stations in the main entry and exit points of the hospital to help keep our community safe. Thank you for your continued efforts in practising hand hygiene, wearing masks and following COVID-19 directives.

There is quite a bit going on at the moment, along with the steady increase of socialisation in the lead up to Christmas. Please take care of yourself during this busy time. Thank you for all the work you do in our hospital and community.

Kind regards,


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