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Message from the Executive Director

2024-03-19T11:57:44+10:0023 February 2024|Facility Messages, RBWH|
Louise Oriti, Executive Director, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

Louise Oriti, Executive Director

This morning I had the opportunity to have a walk around the Burns Unit with Tu, Acting NUM and Naomi Daly A/ND. I was most interested in hearing about the strong infection control practices and observing the way the team went about their work. Interestingly I spoke with some long-term general surgery staff as well and they reflected that joy and success in their specialty was due to the deep respect, great teamwork, and patient focused care.  This was such a positive way to start a Friday!

Executive update

In our most recent Executive Committee meeting, we welcomed the Metro North’s Chief Executive Jackie Hanson and Chief Operating Officer Jane Hancock, as well as MN Chief Finance and Corporate Officer Alister Whitta and the ED Strategy, Planning, Assets, Infrastructure and Strategic Developments Kate Copeland to hear their thoughts ahead of our five-year outlook planning session in March. Much of the discussion was on the difficult task of balancing urgent day-to-day matters within the organisation, such as bed capacity and patient flow, with big-picture planning for RBWH. There was agreement that new models of care are needed and that we must continue to look at prevention of capacity pressures rather than mitigation. Potential future challenges, such as as-yet unknown viruses and climate change, were also highlight by the MN Director Public Health.

An update from the Staff Council Chair Liz Bennett and Deputy Chair Jen Nancarrow was provided in relation to the work they do around campus, with programs such as the ‘random acts of kindness’, department visits and staff greetings when they enter and leave work.

TMR car park

Our facilities staff have worked hard to identify safe alternative options for those who use the TMR car park at 35 Butterfield St, following Transport and Main Roads advice that we would no longer have use of the land. In order for us to hand back the lot by 12 March, our staff will no longer have access after midnight on 10 March. We are hopeful of confirming arrangements with those staff who have access to 35 Butterfield St of their options within the next week.

14-day self-care challenge drawing to a close

Today is day 12 of the self-care challenge, which wraps up on Sunday. Today the focus is on kindness, with a reminder that everyone leads very busy lives, and that kindness calls for us to slow down and connect with others. Today’s activity in the challenge is to do something very kind for someone outside your regular circle, such as mowing a neighbour’s lawn or paying for a stranger’s coffee.

Thank you to Dr Liz Crowe for her hard work in organising the 14-day self-care challenge. And remember, even though it officially finishes on Sunday, you can take it up whenever you like through the year. Download the 40-page booklet.

Impacts of humidity update

A mould remediation program is underway at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital following an initial assessment of the hospital in November 2023. As part of the priority areas, ward 9BN has had the affected tiles replaced and the rest of the 9BN ward tiles are also being replaced. All wards have cleaners rostered to the ward to clean several times daily. We encourage any any patient, staff member or visitor to report any new leaks, mould, or water damage to BEMS, along with anything else that requires repairs or maintenance.

Paul Grabowski receiving his 40 years of service award Congratulations to Paul Grabowski

Paul, from the RBWH Orthotics and Prosthetics department, was awarded 40 years of service.

Positive feedback

I would like to share some positive feedback we received for the Cancer Care team in Ward 6A.

A 40-plus-year friendship concluded with the passing of my friend in Ward 6A yesterday afternoon. The care he received was excellent, as was the assistance and compassion all staff provided to his wife and family during his stay in RBWH. From the staff providing the punctual and brilliant meals, the general ward staff, the doctors, the nurses, or students, they all were without exception, just brilliant. One particular nurse’s care and consideration mirrored the excellent care and consideration provided by everyone else, but in Mark’s final hours. This nurse went out of her way with another staff member to manoeuvre my friend into a more comfortable position in his bed and gave sincere and genuine comfort to myself and his family in the final minutes. RBWH can be most proud of its staff in the Oncology Ward.

Thank you for all the work you do to support our community.

Kind regards,


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