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Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital

2022-04-22T14:56:23+10:0022 April 2022|Facility Messages, Redcliffe Hospital|
Louise Oriti

Louise Oriti, Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital

For two years or more now, we’ve all played important roles in how our hospital and health service has responded to COVID-19. As we move into this new era of healthcare, where COVID will be a constant, we all need to play a part in designing how we will deliver that care. The best way to do that is by taking a few minutes to participate in the COVID-19 staff debrief survey.

The staff debrief survey should only take four or five minutes to complete. By taking the survey, you’ll share your experience of what worked well and what we can do better in the future. It’s an HHS-wide survey, and I’d like as many Redcliffe Hospital staff and clinicians as possible to participate. The feedback provided through this survey and the debrief process will inform the development of Metro North’s Transition to Recovery Plan. If you can, please take the survey now.

Staff flu vaccination campaign

Redcliffe Hospital staff can receive their free flu vaccination at the hospital from next Wednesday. There will be three different ways to receive your free flu vaccination at the hospital this year.

  • All-day clinic next Wednesday – our Infection Prevention team will host a drop in clinic next Wednesday in MBICC. Staff can simply drop-in without an appointment to the clinic on the Ground Floor of MBICC between 7:30am to 4:30pm. This clinic will be available for one day only, next Wednesday.
  • Mobile popup clinics – Infection Prevention will be running mobile clinics from Wednesday, 4 May. Times and locations will vary, with details available from Infection Prevention each morning by calling 7546.

We’re already seeing modelling that suggests we can expect flu to have a significant impact on our hospital this winter. Being vaccinated against the flu is one of the most important things that you can do to protect yourself, our patients, and those you care about at home this winter. We do better work when we care for ourselves and each other. #IamRedcliffe.

#IamRedcliffe Team of the Month

This week at our Staff Forum, we announced our #IamRedcliffe Team of the Month for April. Congratulations again to the Fit Testing team, who were recognised for their success in helping to keep hospital staff safe from COVID-19. Thanks to their hard work and dedication, 97.5% of Redcliffe Hospital staff are now fit tested for two P2/N95 masks. Congratulations also to our other nominees this month, including the lactation consultants, and Ashish Bhatia and the 5 East team.

Nominations are open now for next month’s #IamRecliffe Team of the Month.

A reminder too that along with our #IamRedcliffe Team of the Month and Thankyous, you can now send a Staff Shout Out to acknowledge a colleague or team that’s helping make Metro North Health a truly great place to work. We say thank you to show our appreciation. #IamRedcliffe. 

Lastly this week, if you can, please join our Special Staff Forum next Thursday at 3pm on Teams. Amanda Brimson from the HR team will be leading the forum, where we’ll talk more about our Have Your Say Staff Survey results, what we’ve learned, and how we’re using the results to make Redcliffe Hospital a truly great place to work. I listen to understand so we make the best decisions. #IamRedcliffe. 

Louise Oriti
Executive Director
Redcliffe Hospital

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