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Message from the Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital

2022-05-26T13:22:07+10:0026 May 2022|Facility Messages, Redcliffe Hospital|
Louise Oriti

Louise Oriti

This afternoon there have been some changes to the rules around masks for staff.

I encourage everyone to read today’s Incident Controller’s message and the refreshed version of the PPE guide, which explain these changes further.

For us at Redcliffe, the main change is that P2/N95 masks are now only required to be worn by staff in the Emergency Department, the Fever Clinic, in a COVID-19 area, or when providing care to patients who are suspected or close contacts. In all other areas of the hospital, staff need to continue wearing
a flat surgical mask.

Protective eyewear must still be worn in all clinical areas, and anywhere that staff cannot physically distance from patients or each other.

Some examples of how this will apply in practice include:

  • In the Emergency Department, all staff will continue to wear protective eyewear and P2/N95 masks. Staff members who enter the Emergency Department, no matter how briefly, will need to wear a correctly fitted P2/N95 mask that they have been fit tested for.
  • In the Fever Clinic and the COVID ward, staff will continue to wear protective eyewear and P2/N95 masks.
  • Anyone working in the Main Building or other clinical areas will need to wear a flat surgical mask and protective eyewear.  Staff may choose to wear a P2/N95 mask if they prefer.
  • Staff working in non-clinical areas will continue to wear flat surgical masks. If they cannot physically distance from each other, protective eyewear is also required.
  • In the Education Centre, staff must wear a flat surgical mask. If they cannot physically distance from each other, protective eyewear will also be required.

To help everyone understand these changes, we’ve arranged two Special Staff Forums tomorrow (Friday) on Teams.

Click here to join the 9:30am Friday session on Teams

Click here to join the 2:30pm Friday session on Teams

If you have any urgent questions about PPE, the Infection Prevention team are available on 7300 to assist.

Louise Oriti
Executive Director
Redcliffe Hospital

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