Home/Facility Messages/Redcliffe Hospital/Emergency Department building site – access changes

Emergency Department building site – access changes

2022-06-06T08:53:48+10:006 June 2022|Facility Messages, Redcliffe Hospital|

Emergency Department building site

Pedestrian access to ED via covered walkway 

Hospital staff are reminded that the public entrance to the Emergency Department has moved to the western side of the building.

A building site is now in place outside the Emergency Department.

Patients, visitors and staff should access the Emergency Department public entrance using the covered walkway near the flagpoles. Wayfinding signage is in place to assist.

These temporary changes are part of the upgrade works to the Emergency Department. The Emergency Department will remain open throughout these works, with no change to the standard of care we provide to patients.

Hospital staff are reminded that the public entrance to the Emergency Department has moved to the western side of the building.

Hospital staff are reminded that the public entrance to the Emergency Department has moved to the western side of the building.

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