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Message from the Acting ED, Redcliffe Hospital

2022-10-27T14:08:27+10:0013 October 2022|Facility Messages, Redcliffe Hospital|
Sally Taranec

Adj. Assoc. Prof. Sally Taranec, Acting Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital

The final preparations are now being made for tomorrow’s Redcliffe Hospital Giving Day. It’s the biggest day of the Raise it for Redcliffe fundraising calendar – last year, raising more than $170,000.

Tomorrow’s fun will include a bake sale, food trucks, REDDY Fun & Fitness activities, and much more. The full schedule of events is available here, and there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

In a practical sense, everyone is reminded that the library will be closed all day, and those who use the restricted car park near West will need to use the multi-storey car park tomorrow. The West Block car park will reopen in time for those who work Friday evening and night shifts.

Much of the focus for Giving Day this year is on Raise it for Redcliffe’s plans to improve our Rehabilitation Unit and Palliative Care Units. You can find out more about those plans here.

There’s been an enormous amount of work put into Giving Day this year by many teams and staff across the hospital. Thank you to everyone who has contributed and run events and activities to support the day.

Raise it for Redcliffe Hospital is our hospital’s philanthropic partnership with the RBWH Foundation, and we’re grateful for everything they’ve done to make the day a success.

Car Park milestone celebrated  

Last week, our car park team celebrated a significant milestone – the second anniversary of our multi-storey car park. Many of us will remember what car parking on the hospital campus was like just a few years ago. Now, there’s plenty of space available each day for patients, visitors, and staff.

More than 1,000 hospital staff are now taking advantage of the discount staff car parking rate available through salary packaging. Importantly too, we continue to offer concessional car parking arrangements for eligible patients.

Auxiliary AGM 

The Redcliffe Hospital Auxiliary has been raising money to support patients for over 50 years. Over the last 12 months, the Auxiliary has donated and provided equipment to wards and services, including Occupational Therapy, Eat Walk Engage, SOPD, the Emergency Department, Maternity, Palliative Care, Speech Therapy, the kitchen, and ward 6 West.

Alongside several of our hospital’s leaders, I was pleased to be with the Auxiliary last Friday for their Annual General Meeting. Congratulations once again to Liz Hancock, who was re-elected as Auxiliary President, and to the other elected members of the Auxiliary executive.

We’re exceptionally grateful for everything our Auxiliary does to support the hospital and our patients.

Lastly, Louise Oriti will return from leave next Monday. Thank you to everyone who assisted me as Acting Executive Director over the past two weeks and to Jared Grayling for acting in my role during that time.

Kind regards,

Sally Taranec 
Acting Executive Director
Redcliffe Hospital

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