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Message from the Executive Director

2022-11-30T11:32:00+10:0018 November 2022|Facility Messages, Redcliffe Hospital|
Louise Oriti

Louise Oriti

We’ve done a good job this week in adjusting to this latest wave of COVID-19 infections in our community.

From what I’ve seen, most staff are wearing masks properly and remembering to wear a fit-tested N95 mask when entering the Emergency Department. Clinically though, we have started to feel the impact of this latest wave. Earlier this week, we stood up the 11-bed section of 6 East as our COVID ward. Thank you to everyone who made that transition a smooth one.

We’re also seeing more sick leave among nursing staff and medical officers. The message is a simple one. If you are unwell, please stay home. Even if you test negative on a RAT, do not come to work if you are symptomatic.

Our new Infection Prevention CNC

Helping us to respond to this latest COVID wave is Paul Simpson, our new CNC – Infection Prevention and Control. Paul is a very experienced infection prevention practitioner. He’ll be working in close partnership with our infectious diseases physicians to guide us through whatever COVID (or other outbreaks) throw our way. Please help make Paul feel welcome.

Mandatory and requisite training

A few weeks ago, I challenged everyone at Redcliffe Hospital to take responsibility for updating their mandatory and requisite training. It’s been heartening to see so many people have taken up that challenge. Redcliffe Hospital now has the highest level of compliance across all Metro North directorates, however we still have some areas that need more work. Thank you to everyone who acted to update their mandatory and requisite training.

Raise it for Redcliffe update

It’s been an amazing year for Raise it for Redcliffe, our philanthropic partnership with the RBWH Foundation. Giving Day last month raised more than $224,000.

Raise it for Redcliffe hosted a celebration at The Komo this week to thank our community supporters. To thank Redcliffe Hospital staff for their support, there will be a celebration at the hospital on Tuesday, 29 November. We’ll make sure everyone is invited to share in that celebration.

While talking about Raise it for Redcliffe, I remind everyone that applications are still open for this year’s Wishlist Grants. These grants offer hospital wards and work areas funding of up to $10,000 for projects that will make things easier or better for our patients and hospital staff. Applications for these grants close on Friday, 2 December – find out more about how to apply.

Nursing and Midwifery Research Spotlight

I would like to congratulate Sally Taranec and her team on the success of the Nursing and Midwifery Research Spotlight. The Spotlight was part of the Strengthening Clinical Leadership program and highlighted the exciting research being undertaken by nurses and midwives at Redcliffe Hospital.

The Spotlight included eight presentations and showcased a range of quality improvement projects led by nurses and midwives at Redcliffe Hospital.

Congratulations also to Dr Amanda Fox, Merryn Valcovich, and everyone who presented at the Spotlight and helped make it a success. We look forward to next year’s Spotlight and this event becoming a fixture in our Redcliffe Hospital calendar.

Christmas arrangements

Our Planning and Performance team have done a great job again this year coordinating the Christmas Planner. The planner details all the important information about which hospital services will be open or operating at reduced levels during the Christmas and New Year break.

On a personal note from me

I’ll be heading north the week before Christmas to spend some time with my family. I’ll be away from the hospital from Monday, 19 December to Sunday, 8 January. One of my brothers has a beautiful property in the Proserpine area and will be hosting a big gathering of around 60 relatives.

Geoff Grima has kindly agreed to be the Acting Executive Director over the Christmas and New Year break while I’m away.

Louise Oriti
Executive Director
Redcliffe Hospital

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