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Message from the Executive Director

2023-01-24T11:30:17+10:0019 January 2023|Facility Messages, Redcliffe Hospital|
Louise Oriti, Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital

Louise Oriti, Executive Director, Redcliffe Hospital

I hope you’re having a good start to the new year. There are big things happening at Redcliffe Hospital this year and I wanted to let you know what some of our key priorities will be.


As you know, the Queensland Budget 2022-23 included funding for a significant expansion of Redcliffe Hospital over the next few years. This is hugely exciting as it shows that the important work happening at Redcliffe is being recognised. The next steps will include schematic and detailed design that informs construction documentation. We will advise of the timelines when we have them.

The pendants and lights project is expected to impact our operating theatres for 17 weeks. Corridor works begin on 30 January and works on theatre 1 & 2 commence on 13 February. The surgical team are working very hard on planning and considering how to best manage patient care during this time to minimise the disruption to patients.

Health equity will continue to be a big priority, especially how we ensure our commitment to health equity flows through our clinical care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients. We will be holding a workshop in late February to evolve our local plans.

The new wait room has just opened in our Emergency Department. It looks terrific and has better space for patients including assessment space. The team I spoke to are very pleased by their new space and will be even happier when the Redcliffe Paediatric Emergency Department opens in April this year.

We will be moving to whole of Metro North short notice accreditation this year. We need to ensure we are prepared and ready for this major change to how our health services are accredited. Our Safety and Quality team are well across this so please reach out if you aren’t sure how this will affect your clinical service.

Staff update

We have welcomed our new Director of Medical Services Dr Kellie Wren. Kellie comes to us with a wealth of experience. Since 2020 she has acted in several executive roles at Gold Coast University Hospital, most recently as acting EDMS Clinical Governance and Research. She is not new to Metro North, having previously worked as an anaesthetist at RBWH since 2006 and was instrumental in setting up clinical services at STARS as the Clinical Lead for surgery, perioperative services, gastroenterology, pathology, pharmacy and medical imaging. Kellie has well and truly hit the ground running!

Our Director of Nursing and Midwifery Sally Taranec is currently on 6 weeks leave. Jared Grayling is acting while Sally takes a well deserved break.

This week Redcliffe Hospital has also welcomed 29 medical interns. We are also starting to welcome our nursing and midwifery and allied health graduates across the hospital. Starting a new job can be daunting – I’m sure everyone will help our new staff settle in and feel welcome.

On a personal note from me

Last week was my first week back after 3 weeks leave. A highlight of my break was attending a family Christmas gathering of over 50 adults and 10 plus children (several new babies). My mother identified herself as the matriarch and her goal was to have a day full of memories for the children. The extreme fun goal was achieved as there was good old fashioned water sports, four wheeler rides and plenty of space on the farm for mischief and running. My mother also made her very first speech in her early 80s. This day was an enormous joy to us all and reminded us all that family, fun and true affection for each other is a wonderful thing and should never be taken for granted. A sentiment many of you have shared with me over the last few weeks. This is about #Iam Redcliffe, celebrating the good things and the small things as they all matter!

Our regular staff forums and manager forums will continue this year to keep everyone up to date with the latest on our hospital expansion and other projects. I hope to see you there.



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