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Message from the Acting Executive Director

2023-03-07T11:47:37+10:0027 February 2023|Redcliffe Hospital, Facility Messages|
Louise O'Riordan A/Executive Director Redcliffe Hospital

Louise O’Riordan
A/Executive Director
Redcliffe Hospital

Few examples capture the #IamRedcliffe spirit better than the special effort of so many people at Redcliffe last weekend to support our ICU patient, Melissa.

Melissa was able to attend the Ed Sheeran concert last Friday night with the help of our ICU nurse Monique Bonnell, who made sure Melissa's medical needs were taken care of throughout the concert.

Melissa was able to attend the Ed Sheeran concert last Friday night with the help of our ICU nurse Monique Bonnell.

If you haven’t already, check out the social media post by Metro North about ICU patient and big Ed Sheeran fan, Melissa.

Melissa was able to attend the Ed Sheeran concert last Friday night with the help of our ICU nurse Monique Bonnell, who made sure Melissa’s medical needs were taken care of throughout the concert.

It was all made possible too by ICU team members Dr Seema Saddi, Dr Hamish Pollock, Luke Tung, Gary Von Dohren, and many others.

It’s not the first time that our ICU team have done amazing things for patients, and I know it won’t be the last.

Raise it for Redcliffe volunteers needed

Raise it for Redcliffe Hospital kicked off 2023 with a planning workshop on Monday, bringing together some of our hospital’s strongest community supporters, keen staff, and fundraising experts from the RBWH Foundation.

As part of that fundraising effort, Raise it for Redcliffe will be the Charity Raffle Partner at the first Redcliffe Dolphins home game on Saturday 11 March. To make that a success, they need some volunteers to assist. If you’re interested in helping out, click here.

Health Equity update

Next Tuesday, we’re taking a big step toward Health Equity at Redcliffe Hospital. We’ve invited our local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community leaders to join us at the hospital, to help inform and shape our local implementation strategy for our Health Equity Agenda.

#IamRedcliffe Thank You Lunch

This year, we’ll be saying thank you to show our appreciation with a series of #IamRedcliffe Thank You BBQs and lunches.

We held our first lunch last Monday, with hundreds of staff enjoying hot dogs in the Staff Courtyard. Thanks again to the Facility Services team and those who made this lunch possible.

The next Staff BBQ will be on Tuesday 11 April, make sure you don’t miss out.

Staff Expo and Listening Post

The Staff Expo is coming to Redcliffe on Monday 20 March, with stalls in the Staff Courtyard and ZEN Den, from a range of staff services, like superannuation and salary packaging. Together with the Staff Expo, we’ll also have the Metro North Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer with us for a Listening Post in the Staff Courtyard on Monday 20 March from 9:30am to 11am.

Introducing BERT

Everyone at Redcliffe should know about BERT – the Behavioural Emergency Response Team. It’s the first service of its kind in Australia, and it’s provided by Metro North.

BERT assists patients with disability and complex, challenging behaviours to receive the care they need, when they need it.  The service works by providing an interdisciplinary outreach and crisis response team, combining allied health, nursing and medical professionals all working together to prevent unnecessary presentations to emergency departments.

BERT is now open for referrals, and anyone can refer. Get to know BERT by clicking here.

We can be proud of our hospital's role in training the next generation of healthcare professionals.

We can be proud of our hospital’s role in training the next generation of healthcare professionals.

Welcoming our Allied Health graduates

Since the start of the year, Redcliffe has welcomed new cohorts of medical interns and nursing and midwifery graduates. Our Allied Health teams have also welcomed their new graduates for 2023, including in pharmacy, physiotherapy, and medical imaging.

We can be proud of our hospital’s role in training the next generation of healthcare professionals.

This week, I’ve been spending some time moving about the hospital, meeting with many familiar faces and new ones too. I plan to spend much more time doing that over the next week.

It’s great to be back.

Louise O’Riordan
A/Executive Director
Redcliffe Hospital

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