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Message from the Acting Executive Director

2024-04-17T09:22:02+10:0023 February 2024|Facility Messages, Redcliffe Hospital|

Louise O'Riordan A/Executive Director Redcliffe Hospital

Louise O’Riordan, Acting Executive Director

Getting ready for ieMR at Redcliffe Hospital ad

ieMR will go live at Redcliffe Hospital in May

ieMR will go live at Redcliffe Hospital in May, and we will be ready. Thank you to everyone who has been working to make this transition a smoother one, and to everyone who attended our staff forum to hear more about the progress we’ve been making.

As part of that presentation, our colleagues from the Metro North Health ieMR Program provided a good summary graphic detailing all the different change, training, and engagement opportunities Redcliffe staff will receive in the lead-up to our ieMR go-live on Wednesday, 15 May 2024.

I would encourage everyone to click on the graphic and explore the different activities that will be occurring over the next few months.

If you have any questions, please contact: ieMRProject-MetroNorth@health.qld.gov.au.

Expansion and works update

With early works for the Redcliffe Hospital Expansion now underway, some hospital staff and departments will need to relocate from buildings on the western side of the campus. The project team is working closely with those involved to ensure a smooth transition to their new locations.

The first stage of decant involves teams working in Dietetics, the uniform, supply, and pharmacy stores, and the dirty/clean linen area.

The second and later stage of the decant will include teams working in the Westblock and Fincorp buildings.

This week, you may have noticed some of the new office accommodation for the first stage of relocations arriving on site. More new demountable buildings will be installed in different locations around the hospital campus.

Work will start next week connecting services to these buildings, and the project team have let us know that this might cause some noise.

One of the best ways to stay informed with the progress of the Expansion and other infrastructure works is by joining the Clinical Infrastructure Forum.

Those forums returned this week and will be held every fortnight on Teams. Outlook invitation.

These meetings are open to all hospital staff, and the project team will be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

I am Redcliffe circle graphic#IamRedcliffe Team of the Month

We presented the #IamRedcliffe Team of the Month for January at our staff forum on Thursday. Congratulations again to Nutrition and Food Service Leaders, who received the award for their excellent service each day and the extra work they put in for patients and staff over the Christmas break.

There were only two nominees for the January award, and we congratulate Ward 4 East also on being a nominee.

Nominations for the February Team of the Month have closed, but you can send a #IamRedcliffe Thank You anytime.

Making it count more

Make It Count campaignThis week’s tip​:

Known underlying cause – If the underlying cause/causes are known, please document as ‘due to’ or ‘secondary to’. Avoid the term: ‘in the context of’


AKI secondary to gastroenteritis and dehydration.
Fluid overload secondary to CCF and pleural effusions.
SBO secondary to hernia and/or adhesions. 

If you have any questions, talk to Health Information Services on 3883 7295.

National Close the Gap Day Yarning Circle

As part of our continuing commitment to Health Equity, all staff are invited to join Cultural Capability Officer Elwyn Henaway for our next Yarning Circle.

This Yarning Circle will be in the Staff Courtyard from 11am on Monday, 18 March and will focus on National Close the Gap Day.  A morning tea will follow the Yarning Circle.

People and Culture

Thank you to everyone who joined the People & Culture Forum on Wednesday. This month’s session was all about our obligations when it comes to accessing patient information.

That session was recorded and will be on the P&C Forum page on QHEPS very soon.

The March People and Culture Forum will be on Thursday 21 March, and this session will focus on your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) in a workforce shortage market, and bust myths out there about different selection techniques. Request an invitation to the session.

Elections and voting

Queensland local government elections will be held on Saturday 16 March. There will not be any voting facilities at Redcliffe Hospital for this election, which means staff who will be working that Saturday may need to make prior voting arrangements.

To find out all your options, including postal voting and early voting, visit the ECQ website.

Hospital patients who cannot attend a polling booth may be eligible for the telephone voting service.  Please refer patients to the electoral commission’s website: www.ecq.qld.gov.au.

Lastly this week, thank you to all those hospital staff who have signed up and started parking at the showgrounds car park. This staff-only car park re-opened on Monday, with plenty of spaces to choose from!  Find out more about that opportunity.


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