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Message from the Acting Executive Director

2024-04-02T09:58:34+10:002 April 2024|Facility Messages, Redcliffe Hospital|
Louise O'Riordan A/Executive Director Redcliffe Hospital

Louise O’Riordan, Acting Executive Director

A little over four years ago, we launched #IamRedcliffe. A lot has happened since 2019, when those 12 original Agreed Behaviours were first written.

Our Clinical Council, REDDY Fun & Fitness, Staff Wellness Working Group and Peer Responders have had a positive and powerful impact.

Hospital consumers are now involved in decision making from the SLT level on down.

We’ve launched our Reconciliation Action Plan and have embraced a stronger commitment than ever to Health Equity.

We were the first in Metro North to be assessed under short-notice accreditation, and our pandemic response taught us how to adapt quickly to big changes.

We’ve listened to everything staff told us in the Have Your Say Staff Survey, which has informed our new Redcliffe Hospital People Plan. In developing that plan, the People and Culture team consulted with staff from across the hospital, with focus groups and lots of staff engagement and feedback.

#IamRedcliffeAnother outcome of that work is a refresh of #IamRedcliffe, which we relaunched this week as I am Redcliffe, together with a new set of Agreed Behaviours.

I encourage everyone to take some time to look over our new People Plan and our new Agreed Behaviours.

I hope you agree that they express the kind of workplace we all want to be part of.


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