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Message from Redcliffe Hospital Executive Director

2022-01-18T14:41:50+10:0018 January 2022|Facility Messages, Redcliffe Hospital|
Amanda Dines

Amanda Dines, Acting Director Medical Services, Redcliffe Hospital

Thank you for all your hard work at this time.  Louise has asked me to provide you with a brief update.

As with all hospitals in our health service we are now experiencing increasing numbers of new COVID cases.  Consistent with our planning and preparation, the majority of these cases are being treated within our two dedicated wards and our Intensive Care Unit.  Today Metro North is moving to Tier 4 of the COVID-19 Response Plan.  This means we will be actioning our plans to further expand our Emergency Department inpatient and ICU capacity.

Some of our practices are also changing to support the safety of our patients and staff.  All patients requiring an admission will now have a RAT prior to moving to the clinical area.

I would like to thank and congratulate all of our staff for continuing to be diligent in PPE compliance and supporting each other to do the same, keeping our hospital as safe as possible.

We are experiencing challenges in staff shortages as COVID impacts both our staff and families.  Again, I thank staff for doing the right thing by isolating when required, and not coming to work if you have symptoms.  Thank you also to the large number of staff who have offered to extend and change their working arrangements to support both our services and our fellow colleagues during this time.

It is an extremely important time to remember to look after ourselves, our families and our work colleagues.  Our Staff Wellness Group’s mantra is ‘Keep Calm & Breathe’.  Dr Seema Saddi reminds us that it is ok to not be ok, and there are many techniques we can use during these stressful times with some resources available on our Staff Wellness Site

You will have noticed some changes on our site.  Please ensure you read signage prior as you move around the campus as there are restrictions in some areas.  Currently our Chapel is closed to access as it is within a ‘Red Zone’.  This is often used as a reflective place for our staff, patients and visitors.  I do encourage you to access our lovely Healing Garden located at the front of the hospital as a temporary alternative.

There are a number of other changes happening on site that you may not even realise.  Our Building, Engineering & Maintenance Services (BEMS) have been busy maintaining and upgrading systems that support ongoing safety on site.  As a result of staff feedback to the Staff Wellness Group on the need to have staff break out areas, they have also started setting up additional staff lunch areas outside for all of us.

The new year always brings new staff members to us and I would like to welcome our new graduate nurses who have now commenced as part of our team, and our Interns who have commenced their orientation ahead of starting in the wards next week.

And lastly, a reminder to keep informed on changes in our everchanging environment.  Daily staff forum updates are held on Teams at 2.30pm.  It a time to get the most up-to-date information, but also to raise any concerns or ideas too.  And don’t forget we do better work when we care for ourselves and each other #IamRedcliffe

Amanda Dines
Acting Director Medical Services
Redcliffe Hospital

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