As you will all know, our STARS NSQHS accreditation was due to occur next week from 8-11 February 2022.
Due to the current COVID-19 situation in Australia, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare have offered a short extension for our survey. As we want to ensure our staff and patients are safe during this, and still maintain the excellent momentum towards accreditation, we have accepted a four-week postponement.
The new dates for our STARS NSQHS accreditation are 7-10 March 2022, however all other things will stay the same:
- We will continue to give safe and effective care to all our patients every day.
- Any ACHS appointments made for next week will continue. This will give us an opportunity to discuss the evidence.
- There will be daily walkarounds in all areas with the STARS Executive and Safety and Quality teams.
- When opportunities for improvement are identified we will be able to tackle them together.
Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to prepare for our survey. This extra time will allow us to continue focusing on patient care during this COVID-19 wave. I know we are more than prepared for our survey in March, and I’m looing forward to the day when we become Metro North’s first fully accredited digital hospital.
Best wishes,
Helen Boocock
A/Executive Director
Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS)