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Message from the STARS Executive Director

2022-02-04T13:25:33+10:004 February 2022|Facility Messages, STARS|
Helen Boocock

Helen Boocock

This week marks one year since we opened the doors to STARS and commenced operations – and what a year it’s been!

Over the last twelve months, STARS has overcome many challenges to commence and deliver new services and new models of care – during a pandemic. Throughout this time, you have all shown great resilience, flexibility and commitment to exceptional and innovative person-centred care. You’ve contributed to great health outcomes for patients (and our community), and STARS has significantly value added to Metro North Health’s capacity through its new and expanded health services.

I am immensely proud of everyone’s continuing ability to pivot and respond to changing requirements, especially during this latest wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. No one could have ever predicted that STARS would open during a global pandemic or that we would face this level of ongoing change and uncertainty. Nevertheless, we have made it this far because of our great team work, culture and skillsets.

STARS has received industry recognition through multiple awards, including winning the 2021 Premier’s Award for Excellence, but the most valuable recognition has come from our patients. Over 70,000 patients have walked through our doors since we opened, and they have overwhelmingly sung your praises for the exceptional care and treatment they received while with us.

The vision for STARS was to deliver outstanding health outcomes for patients and the community, and I can confidently say that we have done exactly that and we will continue to do so.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for the role you have each played in getting us to where we are today. When we are through this current COVID-19 surge we’ll come back to you with our ideas to celebrate STARS’s first year.

Here is to 2022, our second year of operations, and beyond.

Best wishes,

Helen Boocock
A/Executive Director
Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS)

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