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Message from the STARS Executive Director

2022-02-27T10:16:43+10:0027 February 2022|Facility Messages, STARS|
Helen Boocock

Helen Boocock

Due to the ongoing weather event and flash flooding STARS has cancelled all Outpatients, Surgical and Procedural Services, GE and Day Hospital clinics tomorrow (Monday 28 February).

A number of staff have been unable to get home over this weekend, and have done additional shifts to help us. A big thank you to all staff who’ve provided care this weekend, and to Ben Hackwood for overseeing STARS’s emergency response today. Thank you also to a number of staff who’ve worked hard to postpone our planned care for tomorrow.

All non-clinical facing staff are asked to work from home tomorrow (Monday 28 February) given the dangers associated with being out on the roads currently. We are facing staff shortages for our inpatient services, so if you are due to work tomorrow to assist with inpatient care, and if you are able to come to STARS safely, please consider doing so.

We’ll provide another update tomorrow, or this evening if the situation changes. Stay safe and best wishes.

Best wishes,

Helen Boocock
A/Executive Director
Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS)

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