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Message from the STARS Executive Director

2022-03-03T16:13:58+10:003 March 2022|STARS, Facility Messages|
Helen Boocock

Helen Boocock

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to work through yet another challenging situation. Due to the current predicted weather event, we are making plans to ensure the safety of our patients and staff. I know this may cause stress or anxiety for some people, so I ask you all to remember our #WeAreSTARS values as we work through this together.

We know that some staff may not be able to get to STARS due to road closures, flood impact or as a result of school closures. If you are not able to get to work for any reason, please talk to your line manager. However, we are an essential service and our patients and the community rely on us to be here for them. If you have the ability to come to work safely then please do so (regardless if your specific work area is working at full capacity or not).

Given the issues with flooding in proximity to STARS and this affecting normal parking locations, we have arranged for the STARS car park book gate to be open from now until Monday morning. We will then reassess the weather and flooding situation in regards to continued access to the car park. Please do not park in the lower level of the STARS car park due to potential water inundation.

The Chief Human Resources Officer provided information about leave options available to staff. This includes Special Leave (flood and storm leave) and Special paid discretionary leave for school, kindergarten and daycare closures due to impacts of weather events. The latter requires details of the school/facility that the children attend and the availability of alternative arrangements and/or remote work.

Please ensure you read the Metro North Health Incident Controller messages and stay informed by listening to messages from authorities and the latest warnings from the Bureau of Meteorology.

I know that this week has been hard for many staff, so please reach out if you need any support. Thank you for continuing to treat each other and our patients with empathy, compassion and dignity.

Best wishes,

Helen Boocock
A/Executive Director
Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS)

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